Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Reader Interview: LesleyW

The blog is up and running again and Tuesday is reader interview day. If you'd like to participate (you know you want to), the details are here. Without further ado, today's interviewee is Lesley W!

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

Hmm. Okay, I'm in my thirties (and that's as specific as I like to be :) ) and I live in the UK with my cat. I love reading. I guess I'm a frustrated creative type as I'm also trying to write a novel at the moment - which makes me appreciate what authors have to go through. And I also love drawing, painting. I like getting outside and seeing what's out there - love wildlife / birdwatching. LOL. Is that enough, should I stop now?

2. Are you a hoarder or do you give your books away?

I hoard. I'm a terrible obsessive/compulsive. I never want to throw anything away in case it might be useful at a later date. Though I've had a massive spring clean recently which I found very therapeutic.

3. What author might tempt you into turning stalker?

Errmm. Not sure I can talk about that here. :laughs: None of them actually. I don't mean that in an insulting way. But I tend to get tongue-tied and not know what to say. Or babble incoherently which I'm not sure is much better. I'd be happy if I could just strike up a normal conversation at a book signing. Authors that I admire are Kelley Armstrong, Angela Knight, Nalini Singh :).

4. How susceptible are you to chocolate?

Very. I treat myself to a box from hotelchocolate about once every six weeks or so. It's my indulgence. I have to ration it, because I'm very susceptible to migraines.

5. Favorite book? Why?

Honestly. I'm not sure I could pick just one. I've done a top ten before and knew I left books that I loved out. Probably it would have to be The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. (You think the number of times I've mentioned this book I would know how to type the author's name by now - but no.) I'm not sure that if she wrote anything else it would have the same impact on me, it's just that book. Henry and Clare's story has this heartbreaking inevitability to it.

For urban fantasy - Kelley Armstrong's Bitten. My favourite werewolf book. And re-reading it now, there are scenes when you want to pull Elena out of the book and say - don't do that - because as a reader you know what's going to happen. I don't think there's a wasted scene in that book.

An author who has never put a foot wrong for me is Wen Spencer. I've loved everything of hers that I've read. I like that until you start reading you're never sure what you're going to get. She always seems to be trying something new.

There are so many other authors I could mention here - Lynn Viehl, J. R. Ward, Meljean Brook, Megan Hart, Elizabeth Vaughn, Lindsey Davis, Karin Slaughter...

6. If you knew you were going to be stuck on a desert island, what three things would you take with you?

A satellite phone with battery so I could call for help - is that cheating? As I'm deathly afraid of flying it's unlikely to happen. Apart from the phone, paper and pens. So I'd have something to write/draw with whilst waiting for rescue.

7. What did you eat for breakfast?

Crunchy nut cornflakes.

8. How many books in your current to-be-read pile?

Which one? I have a big pile and a little pile. The little pile has the books I'm most interested in, there's about 40 books in it at the moment. The big pile has everything else, there's probably around 400 in it I think. Things tend to get put on there when the little pile falls over. I must stop buying books for three months and try and make some headway into the books I already have.

9. Describe your idea of a perfect hero.

For a long time Jamie from Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series was my idea of the perfect romantic hero. He didn't let Claire get away with anything, but he listened to her and sacrificed himself for her. I've not yet managed to finish the series, but I like that it carried on after they'd had the initial happily ever after.

Henry in TTTW, when I read about him in a way he replaced Jamie, because he was more real. He made terrible mistakes. But you never once doubted his love for Clare. I think to have to lie to her was almost a burden beyond bearing but he did it.

And my other favourite hero is Jeremy from Kelley Armstrong's Otherworld series. Probably why I love the character of Jaime so much, because she picked him over Clay too.

Hmmm. Looking at my choices I seem to have a preference for the strong (mentally), intellectual type. Who listens to the heroine, but won't let her walk all over him.


ShellBell said...
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ShellBell said...
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ShellBell said...

The big pile has everything else, there's probably around 400 in it I think. Things tend to get put on there when the little pile falls over. I must stop buying books for three months and try and make some headway into the books I already have.

I've got at least 5 books that have been in my TBR pile for over 5 years - books I do want to get around to reading at some stage, just not quite ready to do so yet. Thought I would be able to catch up on a couple of them last Christmas but things just didn't work out that way!

(Why is there never an edit option when you need one!)

LesleyW said...

Wow - it was quite a while since I did this and it's not that bad. LOL

I should just add it should be taken as read that Nalini's books are in my favourites too. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Lesley W.,
I live in the U.S. with my three cats and I'm getting a dog tomorrow!

It's always cool to learn more about other avid readers. And a satellite phone ... good choice. Unless you live on the island where the "Lost" survivors landed. Then you're just in for it. Bunch of crazies on that island ... not to mention it's in bizarro world.;)

LesleyW said...

Shellbell - I dread to think how long some of the books have been in my large TBR pile. And I just did another Amazon order this week - I really need to stop.

Jennifer - LOL - I thought the satellite phone was a good idea. Until the first interview when someone posted toilet paper.

Susan said...


So glad there is another fan of The Time Travelers Wife! It is a great read!

Shannon said...

I love the "big pile" and "little pile" idea - I have the same thing, but not at all organized. At this point I have no idea what I've read and what I haven't in my wide spread "big pile"!

You only have one cat? How spoiled is he? *g*

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