Saturday, July 28, 2007

I'm back!!

Just a quick post to say I'm back and trying to sort through the well over a thousand emails in my inbox (eek!). I somehow managed to stay almost internet-free in my travels, but now I must pay the price. So if you've contacted me over the past month and I haven't replied, I wasn't ignoring you - I was trying to see as much of the U.S. of A as possible (while eating the maximum amount of chocolate, of course).

Lots of pictures and good stuff to come. But first things first - who's still here? Say hi!


ShellBell said...

Welcome back Nalini, hope you had a great holiday!

Ashley said...

Hi! Welcome back!

May said...

Welcome back, Nalini!

Lynn Raye Harris said...

Hi, Nalini! It was great to finally meet you in Dallas! You are just as gorgeous as your pictures, and even nicer than your online personality (which is going some, because you are very nice online!).

Lis said...

Welcome back Nalini! :o) Hope you had a wonderful trip!!

Maura Anderson said...

Haven't gotten rid of me yet!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back and glad you had some time off to have fun and travel. I missed reading the blog. Now, back to work! :)


Amanda Ashby said...

Hey, Nalini - glad you had a great trip. Can't wait to hear all about it!

Kristie (J) said...

Hi! Just dropping in to say it was such a treat to meet you in Dallas.
I loved sitting around the table with Sybil, Jane, Sarah and you just shooting the breeze.
You are such a delight to talk to!

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back!

Anonymous said...

Hey! You're back. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your trip. Don't forget to post pictures.

Ange - The Romance Groupie said...

Hi Nalini!
How was your trip?

Nalini Singh said...

Hey Shell, Ashley, May, Lis, Amanda, Athena, Jennifer K, so glad to see you all again! I can't wait to share all the pictures and stories with you.

Lynn - aw, thanks! It was so nice to meet you in person.

Maura LOL!

Mai - I'm at it. :)

Kristiej - I have a picture of you at that table...*grin*

Ange - the trip was amazing and you'll get sick of my pictures, I have so many!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Wish I could have met you. One of these days I'll join RWA and actually go to a conference...probably when I'm old and finally have enough money to afford it. :)

You didn't miss much. Just hanging out. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! You're back! Hope you had a great trip!

catslady said...

Still here too and welcome back. I'm looking forward to your pics.

Barbarita V said...

Welcome Back. You were missed. I hope you had lots of fun!

Tam G. said...

Welcome Back!

Unknown said...

Still here, glad you're back.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. Hope you enjoyed your trip. If you don't mind me asking, what is next on your agenda?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for welcoming me back and not running away while I was gone! :)

Shar, do you mean writing wise? Well, I have a novella due in Dec, I'm working on Dorian's story and I'm revising the first draft of the Angel book. So basically, it's nose to the grindstone time (broken only by the RWNZ conference in a couple of weeks).

LesleyW said...

Bit late but hi!

Kati said...

I'm late too, but welcome back!


Casee said...

Welcome back, Nalini!!!

danetteb said...

Hi Nalini,welcome back.*g*

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