Sunday, July 01, 2007

Blog on Vacation

The blog is going on vacation...because I'm heading off traveling. The official reopening of the blog will be August 1. However, knowing my internet addiction, I'll be checking in now and then with updates, so catch up with you then!


Anonymous said...

Happy travels! Enjoy your vacation!

ShellBell said...

Nalini, I hope you have a happy and safe trip. Are you off to RWA?

Anonymous said...

Hope you have safe trip, and hope you have a fabulous time!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Zhan, Shell and Abby. And Shell, yep, I'll eventually end up at RWA :)

Ange - The Romance Groupie said...

Have a super trip, Nalini!!

LesleyW said...

Hope you have a great trip. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we expect details and pictures upon your return.

Have a great time. Try not to get arrested ... or, if you DO get arrested, let us know where you are so we can try to slip a laptop or something to you. ... What? I'm trying to look out for us. We gotta have more books. You can write from jail, can't you?

*hrumph* AS IF everybody else wasn't thinking it!

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time lady! (Good luck staying away from the computer and see ya when you get back.)

Cherie J said...

Have a great time! Enjoy your vacation.

danetteb said...

Have a fun vacation Nalini....Hugs

Barbarita V said...

Have a fun vacation. You work hard so you deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Actually Jenniffer I was thinking if she's off vacationing who's at home guarding a certain file?!

Have a great holiday Nalini.

Anonymous said...

Clare, I like your thinking. However, as she knows the somewhat obsessive interest in her work that some of us take, she may have either a) taken it with her or b) taken it someplace we'd never think to look. I just know she'd do that to try to throw us off the scent.

I want to know how far along she is with Dorian. I'd love to get a peek at that, too.

Madison Chase said...

Have a good trip!

Yvonne Lindsay said...

Oh, Nalini! That's one awesome photo of you with Nora!

Anonymous said...

Nay-leeny (that's how I pronounce your name in my heavy Southern accent), you've been gone a long time. Are you back yet? *whine* How am I supposed to bug you and nag you for more excerpts/progress reports if you're gone for weeks on end?

I hope when you DO return, you can report that you've had a fabulous time and America ROCKS! If somebody gave you a hard time, you tell me who it is and I'll pop 'em upside the head.

Oh, and we like lots of pictures. I want to know about this picture of you and Nora that Yvonne mentioned. Where is it? And are we talking THE NORA?

Details are a must.

ShellBell said...

I saw a lovely picture of Nalini on the Dear Author blog, and another one on Jaci Burton's blog (with Jaci and Lara Adrian) as well.

Haven't seen any with Nora (Roberts?) yet. Will keep looking

Shannon said...

I saw a Nalini pic on Marjorie M Liu's blog, but I haven't seen the Nora one, either.

I sure hope you're back soon, Nalini! We've missed you. Hope you're enjoying the last of your vacation!

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