Thursday, April 19, 2007

Gena Showalter - Darkest Night

I try not to tease (too much *g*) on this blog but I have just read something that I feel I must, must, must tell you about so you don't miss out on it when it comes out - Gena Showalter's Darkest Night. It's out Sep, so you can totally pick it up when you grab Caressed By Ice ;)

This book is magnificent. It kicks off a series about the Lords of the Underworld - immortal warriors cursed with humankind's greatest sins. The emotional intensity of this story is through the roof and Gena pulls no punches when it comes to showing what the hero (cursed with Violence) is capable of...which makes it all the sweeter when he falls for the heroine. Sigh.

I want more. I want the next book now. I think I shall have to stalk Gena until she gives it to me.


Anonymous said...

Can I just say for the record that that cover is HOT? Wowza! :)

loonigrrl said...

I have to wait until September?!?! NOOOOO!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kaitlin, isn't it just?! You should see the one for the next book - Gena put it up on her blog a while back and wowsers!!

Loonigrrl - but at least now you know it's coming out! *g*

Anonymous said...

You tease. :P Stop bragging how you already read it. lol

But I have to admit, you did get me even more excited about the book! And you brought up an excellent point! I can get Gena's book and yours at the same time! Yeah!

danetteb said...

Thanks Nalini,now I'm jealous*it's not fair*Gena is one of my faves.
Hugs, Danette

LesleyW said...

Funny how all the books you really want seem to come out at the same time of year.

I had a load in March, I have more in May, and then it's a long wait til September. (I think there's a couple in June and August to keep me going.)

Jill Monroe said...

Her books are amazing! Nalini - I'm rooming with Gena at RT - just let me know what you need. She'll cough it up.

Anonymous said...

I think you should tie Gena to her computer - she doesn't need to go to the conference. She can just write!!

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