Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Blog Party / N.O.R. Awards

I'm a guest at Tessa Radley's blog party today - come on over and keep me company. You could even win something.

Also, some great news. Both Slave to Sensation and Visions of Heat have been nominated in the Night Owl Romance Awards. Swing by and vote if you're so inclined - lots of other great books have also been nominated. :)

Alright, I'm off to party!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! How exciting! I've got to admit, I love both books, so why not?

If you're interested, I've got a bunch of books I'm going to be giving away. I won't have it up on my blog until next week, but I've got between 20 & 30 books ranging from Mercedes Lackey's more urban fantasy to romance. :) I'm in a generous mood, what can I say? LOL!

Tessa Radley said...

Wooohooo, Nalini, that's fabulous news about those nominations. Good luck!

Nalini Singh said...

Kaitlin - too generous! Drop me an email when you have the giveaway up and I'll put it up on the blog. :)

Thanks, Tessa!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, I've been to vote :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You deserve it. I just re-read both books and loved them even more. I learn something new every time I read them.

BTW, where's a new excerpt for Judd? I want it. Especially since re-reading Vaughn and Faith's story. That Arrow definitely needs to defrost.

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! :)

Nalini Singh said...

Clare & Bonnie - thanks!

Jennifer K - hmm, I'm doing copyedits on Caressed this week so I'll keep my eye out for a good excerpt *g*

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