Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Links, links, links!

Some lovely links today.

Sara Hantz, author of the upcoming The Second Virginity of Suzy Green, has just launched her new website.

Dear Author has a great interview with editor Angela James - Samhain Publishing. (Samhain was recently recognized as an RWA approved publisher).

Yasmine Galehorn is the Berkley Babe at Between The Covers today and she's talking about her heroes and why she loves them. She's also got links to a competition giving away ARCs (advanced copies) of her next book.

Gena Showalter is at The Midnight Hour, talking about heroic qualities. Not only is the blog fun, she's giving away a book.

Amy Knupp of Writeminded now has a Myspace page so friend her!

And finally, I live in a very geologically active country. Check out these pictures of the lahar from Mt Ruapehu. The mass of mud, ash and rocks broke the banks of the crater lake and swept down the river. The early-warning system worked and there were no injuries, just the most amazing spectacle of Mother Nature in action.


Anonymous said...

Cool, thanks Nalini.

How are you feeling? Did you go to the doctor yet?

Anonymous said...

thanks for the links.
Hope you're feeling better.

Nalini Singh said...

Jennifer/Clare - I'm doing ok. :) (whispers very quietly - think cough might be going away, shhhh)

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