Monday, March 19, 2007

JD Robb - Innocent In Death

I seriously LOVED this book! Yes, I'm an Eve and Roarke junkie but this book was The emotion, the suspense, the whole shebang. I'm already going crazy waiting for the next one!

I suppose I should write something coherent, but really, this is a total love-fest. I devoured it in one giant rush. I loved seeing Eve and Roarke's relationship get rocky (heart palpitation time!), then not only survive, but get stronger. These two are just so real. The mystery was pretty cool, too, with an unforgettable ending, but for me, this book was all about Eve and Roarke.

Sigh. I think I'm in a JD Robb induced book coma of happiness.


Anonymous said...

I am an Eve and Roarke Junkey as well, have been since my first book! Do your read Nora's other books, they are all very good and well done, if not as in depth as the Robb series. I even have broken down to buying them in hardback, which I try not to do, as my books are taking over my house and hardbacks are much harder to stick into corners.

meljean brook said...

This was my favorite In Death in a long time, which is saying something, because I think all of them are pretty great.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eva! I read some of Nora's other books, but I'm not as fanatical about them as I am with the JD Robb books.

Meljean - I think it was mine too. We got a lot more Eve and Roarke action, which I loved!

Anonymous said...

I like a lot of the older Npra Roberts and though I've a few books behind at the mo. the JD Robb ones.

Bridget Locke said...

That's the thing I love about the JD Robb books is that it's not all sweetness & light. They have problems, they deal with it, they have hot make up sex, and they do it all over again. he-he.

I have to say I was actually disappointed in Born in Death. It was one of the books that didn't have a lot of cohesiveness to it. This one was much better. :)

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