Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Primal Mirror Speculation Thread


🐆Primal Mirror releases next month!! What do you think might be revealed in this book? Any hopes? Which past characters do you wish to catch a glimpse of?🤔



Anonymous said...

I just want to be surprised that's all I want to be

Anonymous said...

I think this book will show a meeting between Auden and Ivan. Some characters will get confirmation Shoshanna isn't dead, and was responsible for Auden's pregnancy (Shoshanna's the bio mom and has plans for the kid... Either about scarab syndrome or the Amara sort of plans). I hope Lucas, Nikita, Anthony and Kaleb show up. And an update on Pax would be great too

Anonymous said...

I hope to see Angel as a tiger sunning somewhere 😂

library addict said...

I want to see Jojo, learn the name of her older brother, and check in on how the playdates are going with the youngest Arrow kids.

I agree with Anonymous above that Shoshanna is somehow responsible for Auden's pregnancy so wonder how that will play out. I am excited to meet Auden and discover what is going on as well as learn more secrets of the Scott family.

Hoping we get more backstory on the various members of RainFire and how Remi found them all. I also want more Finn.

Nalini said in the recent book club chat that we'd see Sascha and Lucas so looking forward to that too. An hoping for an Aden appearence.

For out of the box cameos who I have no reason to think will be there I am crossing my fingers for Rina, Beatrice, or Kiya (I picked three names from my top 20 want stories for list).

The experpt mentioned Tamar so dare we hope for an Axl mention?

I will stop now as I could easily list a dozen others. The fun is in seeing who Nalini chooses!

Anonymous said...

I would love to see the return of Alice. Maybe the secret to the scarabs was hidden in her long-ago research, and it's all coming back to her..... But I'm with library addict, the fun is seeing who Nalini chooses!

Patricia Schlorke said...

How did Remi become the Alpha of RainFire? I remember Remi saying to Aden that they were in remedial alpha school.

Maybe Auden gets to meet Ivan.

Otherwise, it will be interesting to read who else will be in the book. :)

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