Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Series vs Standalone


Series vs Standalone - which do you love more and why?🤔



library addict said...

I like both.

A stand-alone has to do all the world-building and groundwork within the same book so can be more difficult to pull off, but the payoff doesn't have to be as wide-reaching so a self-contained story can be a lot of fun too.

But if I had to choose I'd go with series as I love that we get to see favorite past characters again and see how their world grows and changes. In a good series the past characters have cameos that add to the current story and the characters do not stay static.

Also there are different types of series. Ones that are connected by the characters (same family, same town, etc) but each book features different main characters and ones that follow the same main characters (like JD Robb's In Death).

Patricia Schlorke said...

I like both. A variety of ways to read stories doesn't make me bored with the same author.

Heather Foster said...

I love both. I love series because you get to really explore the characters in-depth. I love stand-alones because there is usually a satisfying ending.

Kim said...

I have to agree with the others, I like both. But I'd have to say that for me, it often depends on the book/series.

There are some series that I didn't know were going to be series when I read the first book, and then I'm so happy with the way the first book went, I don't want to risk a sequel ruining my happiness with the first one, so I'm not interested in reading more. Sometimes when a book that I want to read but don't get to for ages, and then it turns into a long series, I get intimidated and don't want to even start.

Then again, there are some stand alones that I loved so much that I *wish* they would turn into series! And of course, some short series (2-4 books) that I love so much I want them to keep continuing on, and they don't, and I'm disappointed.

... And then there are my favourite series, some of which are still ongoing, that I never want to end, even if they've got a whole bunch of books in them! And some of those have been (or were) ongoing for decades!

Of course, in a long series there is always the risk that not all of the books will be of the same caliber, and some can disappoint. Well, okay, that applies to any series. But the risk increases with longer series, sometimes. But of course, great worldbuilding, and great character development can help offset that, or at least make you more willing to forgive it. 😂.

So... ummm... yeah, not an easy question to answer. At all.

Anonymous said...

I especially adore her series - Nalini has been amazing as building and continuing storylines, yet each story is unique in its own way and still able to stand on its own if a reader randomly starts with any book.

Leigh said...

After pondering this question, I realized my personal preference is for series books. I like the connections of place and characters. I can't even think of one stand alone that I've read...

Birgit said...

I read a lot and I'm in favor of series, because (in addition to all the excellent points the other commentors have already made) there's simply more for me to read. Esp when I discover a new-to-me author with a long backlist.

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