Friday, September 22, 2023

Friday Book Club

The Friday Book Club is now open. What are you reading and loving this week?


library addict said...

I had a good reading week. I enjoyed Faine (Sectors New Allies #17), Addison Fox's The Royal Spy's Redemption (Dangerous in Dallas #4), and Jayci Lee's Off Limits Attraction (The Heirs of Hansol #3).

I also finished Jayne Ann Krentz' Running Hot in my Arcane Society reread. Have to wait for the next one to be released in audio as that is how I am rereading.

Kim said...

I discovered an old book I'd never heard of at my favourite used book store the other day that I actually started reading the same day I brought it home! Shocker, I know. 😂. Turns out, I'm really enjoying it. Published in 1991, as the author's debut release, it's called Ground-Ties, by Jane Fancher. I skipped ahead a little bit the other night, so I know that the plot changes significantly in just a few pages from where I am now, but I'm finding it fascinating, so far, even though I'm not really sure of a lot of the details of the cultural and political issues that are dividing the "Spacers" from the "Reconstructionists", or even for that matter, exactly what "Reconstructionists" are, aside from planet-dwelling people. Even though this seems to be a fundamental plot point.

I'm not even sure how to describe it, as I think the book is about to make a major plot twist, (I did flip ahead a little bit), so anything I might say now won't be very accurate to the rest of it. And the blurb on the back is cryptic if it's anything, so probably also not helpful. Some of it's descriptions of the characters wouldn't be considered appropriate in today's society, and yet, that's also part of what drew me to it. To see how well, or cringeworthy some of these off-beat characters were written. So far I haven't been disappointed.

If the rest of the book is as good as the part I've read, I may have to investigate to see if the author's written anything else.

Eva said...

I read The Alpha`s Salvation by Marlowe Roy. It`s a intense and stormy dystopian and omegaverse love story.

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