Tuesday, April 25, 2023

RARE Melbourne 2023


Team Nalini at #Rare23Melbourne! My first major signing in years and what a blast it was! So many amazing readers, entire suitcases of books signed, seeing familiar faces, and having first meetings with countless wonderful authors, bloggers, and readers.💓

Special shout out to Destinee at East City Bookshop who I have been doing online events with for years. It was so incredibly awesome to meet her in person! (New event coming in July!) 😊

From the left: My mum, who was only planning to pop in to take photos and stayed all of Sat to help out because y’all TURNED OUT! Ashwini, the bestest assistant in the universe (and the organized sister to my chaos monster), Trisha, the sweetest volunteer and queue wrangler, and Natasha, an amazing part of Team RARE who managed to be in ten different places at once. 💕

This was my first RARE event and it was so well organized and fun - brilliant job by the RARE team. 👏

And if you think you peep some gorgeous Michelle Taiki fan art as part of my table display, you’d be right. 🎨

And a huge shoutout to my friend Shar for my banner design!💛

Now it’s back to my desk, clearing the decks and hunkering down to write.👩🏽‍💻

1 comment:

library addict said...

Glad it was a success. I saw some of the pics on Instagram. Definite sense of FOMO.

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