Thursday, December 08, 2022

Slave to Sensation


Throwback to the year 2006 (!!) when Slave to Sensation was first published.

Whether you've been following the series from book one, or started at a later point, tell me what you love the most about the Psy-Changeling universe.



Lesa said...

I love how you introduce, then develop different characters into their own story. I keep looking forward your next book. Thank you for your books. I’ve been following you for a long time! Keep writing!!!

library addict said...

The characters.

There's the fact there are so many characters who have appeared on page—some only for a few lines—yet I want to know more about them and am hoping we will eventually get their stories told.

Also I love the appearances of characters who have already had their story told. They don't stay static but continue to grow.

And just the way there are so many overlapping ways in which the characters connect to one another. So it is not just the romances, but the friendships and working relationships.

Plus I love how you can read the books multiple times and still pick up on foreshadowing and little Easter eggs Nalini put in there that you hadn't spotted the previous times.

Eva said...

I love the Psy/Changeling series (And I'm sorely missing them right now in the new books. They really did feel like family)!

And I like the complexity of the characters, the world building and the "breadcrumbs (eg. Hawke and Sienna)" that dragged from one book to the next.
- If I had one Christmas wish, it would be more "breadcrumbs"(about e.g. Axl and Tamar or something about my most favorite evil man Ming etc.).

Patricia Schlorke said...

What an interesting question as I am reading Allegiance of Honor right now. Has it been 16 years since this series started?! Wow, time flies when you're having fun.

I used to have the purple Lucas on the cover before Barnes and Noble decided to change it to the cover Slave to Sensation has now.

What do I love about the Psy-Changeling universe? A lot of things.

The big one is how insular groups of changelings, like Lucas and Hawke, over time start to trust each other to form alliances. Then that grows to the people of San Fransico. Then it spreads to other changeling groups and eventually the Psy.

Sasi said...

i love the psy changeling universe because you can identify with the characters and the sense of family is very strong.
The main characters complement each other and grow together from their mistakes and emerge stronger.
With each book I love the individual personalities more and more.
I especially like the connections across multiple books.

Kim said...

Not sure this is about the universe per se, though I see other people commenting on these things too, but my favourite parts of the series are the characters and the worldbuilding. It's all so well developed, and so deep, and immersive.

Oh, and I just thought of an internal world thing: I love that the most important value (among the changelings at least) is that "cubs are to be protected"!!

Also, I love how, in the latest books, psychological trauma is handled so well. All the complexities and subtleties are done right, so the characters are so *believable* in their reactions and interactions!! Many authors only do a superficial handling of this kind of trauma, so their characters don't seem like real people, but Nalini's really done her research (I hope not through personal experience), and got it right on so many different levels! It feels like Memory, Ethan, Canto and Payal could be real people, not just characters on a page!

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