Friday, November 11, 2022

Friday Book Club

Friday Book Club time! What reads are you loving this week?


library addict said...

Only rereads for me this week.

Think I shall have to give in and reread Storm Echo again before the end of the year too.

S-R-B said...

Only rereads for me this week, too (even though I *still* have books in my TBR pile and am adding more this coming week). Despite reading them *last month*, Lake Silence and Crowbones by Anne Bishop were calling my name. Granted, her entire The Others/World of the Others series are some of the few books I could read on a constant loop because they're just so dang good.

Kim said...

I finally read Jane Lindskold's "Wolf's Soul" (Firekeeper #8), even though it's been out for a couple of years now. Loved it. I blame the format for not having read it immediately when it came out. I couldn't afford the print version, so I had to buy it (and #7) as ebooks, which I have a tendency of forgetting are there. Also it turns out, I was saving it for a comfort read. (And then got distracted partway through when my library request of Patricia Briggs' "Soul Taken" came in. That one I was unfortunately disappointed in. Way too slow moving.)

Now I'm onto "Exiled: Clan of the Claw". Sentient warrior felines, sentient, psionic warrior lizards with a penchant for mind control coming into conflict, hmm... I'm really looking forward to that one. I read a short story in the series a few months ago, and had to seek these out so I could read more. (There's another one, but my public library doesn't have access to that one.)

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