Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Catch-Up Time

Hello my lovelies! How has the year been treating you so far? 

I've been busy going over the Storm Echo copy edits, and starting work on the next Guild Hunter (early days, so I can't share anything yet, but I will as soon as I can!). Oh, and the next Hard Play book (Danny) is in edits, and I should have an official release date for you soon.

In the weekends, I've been baking treats and sprucing up the garden - this past weekend we had huge winds come through and flatten a few poor plants! Hopefully they'll all bounce back.

Your turn! Tell me all your news. ❤


library addict said...

We've had lots of snow so I have been staying inside and not going anywhere unless I have to.

Trying to squeeze in as much reading time as I can. And I've gotten about halfway through all the Christmas movies I recorded.

I have decided to move my DNF over to movies and just fast forward to the end if it is not holding my attention after half an hour to forty-five minutes. Thankfully there have only been one or two I've done this with so far.

Eunice said...

Wanted to share that your works sure have gotten me through tough times (covid, a difficult breakup, just general fatigue). I’m really looking forward to the upcoming books and impossible as it is, wish that none of your series will ever end.

I’m also lamenting the fact that I can’t seem to find any other series or works that have so captured my heart so I will have to be content with reading your books over and over again until a new book is out.

The travel bug has really gotten to me and I’m itching to travel. New Zealand is at the top of my list as are San Francisco and Russia (no doubt an influence of your books!) hopefully I will be able to at least scratch one of these locations off my list by the end of this year.

Unknown said...

I have been holding out to read Archangels Light but I caved yesterday and have just finished it. I love the way you brought them together and the entire storyline was captivating as normal. Can't wait for the next installment of the Guild Hunter Series to see what happens next.

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