Friday, October 09, 2020

Friday Book Club

 Time to talk books! What are you reading and loving this week?


Maria said...

I am rereading the Guild Hunter series to get ready for the new release, and enjoying the stories as always. I find something new each time I read them and it's so fun untangling the web of characters.

library addict said...

I ended up loving the romance in Nicole Helm's Close Range Christmas (Badlands Cops #6), but had major issues with some of the supporting characters and the plot.

My favorite read this week was Ada Harper's A Treason of Truths (Quillian Empire #2).

I enjoyed Veronica Scott's Star Cruise: Return Voyage (Sectors #15) which is part of the Pets in Space 5 anthology. The hero was exasperating at times, but it's always fun to catch up with the crew of the Nebula Zephyr and this book reunited the main characters from the first book in the series (The Wreck of the Nebula Dream) as the heroine was a child in that first book.

I've read a few more of the old Stephanie James/Jayne Castle print books. Putting off the next one as it's a single title. The premise is intriguing, but it's 384 pages of tiny print and my eyes hurt just thinking about it :)

I started a number of other books in my TBR in the past two days, but none sucked me in so I'm not sure what I'll be reading next. Telling myself I'm not allowed to do any more rereading until I read some new-to-me books.

Patricia Schlorke said...

I read the Ippos King by Grace Draven. This is the third book of her Wraith King series. I liked it.

I will warn you that if you're new to this series, don't start with this book. There's too much interconnecting of the other two books. If you want to start the series read Radiance. That's the first book. Eidolon is the second one.

There will be a fourth book, but there's no timetable on it.

David Ai said...

I'm reading a non-fiction book that is a fascinating re-evaluation of human nature and posits that we get it all wrong.

Humankind - A Hopeful History

It is not a history book - despite the name. Instead it describes our species as 'Homo Puppy' - and how really nice we are naturally... and the motivations for where we go terribly wrong... together with suggestions on how we can rethink our societies and organisations to match our true natures.

It's the most optimistic book I've read in a long long time. Nice in these difficult times.

Yes - I know I'm meant to post about the genre books I've been reading - but this book speaks to the same optimistic hopefulness we all share and want to read about.

Anonymous said...

So, I haven't posted here for a while so let me catch up on the last couple weeks. I've read a lot, but there have only been two standouts.

I read, and am continuing to re-read, Magical Midlife Dating by K.F. Breene. So funny. So very funny. This series has a slow burn romance that's just starting. And several attempts at dating others, which all go horribly and hilariously (and in come cases, rather realistically) wrong.

Three Charms for Murder by Honor Raconteur was excellent as well. A bit slow in the middle but very fun and a push forward with the main character's relationship. But, this is super slow burn series, no steam at all, just sweetness.

Anonymous said...

I blew my reread schedule and finished Archangel’s War at midnight. I thought I could (re)read slower, however I was kidding myself...
BUT, I have Crown of Darkness by Bec McMaster waiting, and Rebecca Roanhorse’s Black Sun comes out on the 13th. Based on the above I’ll give Magical Midlife Dating a try, I read the first one already...

Kim said...

Started reading "Women of Scar Clan: True Stories of Transcendence" by Lynne B. Klippel last night. Non-fiction. About women who've experienced post-traumatic growth, essentially. Started with the Kindle free sample, then decided to buy it. (cheaper than paperback. Probably available faster too. Can't say I've seen it in my local bookstores. Never thought to check the library system). it lives up to it's promise so far I'm going to be recommending it to many people!!

Finally finished a rather boring fantasy book I've had for years but never read, apparently. Had it sitting partially finished for a long time at my bedside this year. Decided I don't need to read either of the others in the trilogy after all.

Not even sure what else I've been reading, or if I've been reading much. It's been a busy week somehow, though I'm not really sure what I did!

Kim said...

Oops! Meant to say "IF it lives up to it's promise so far."

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