Friday, September 04, 2020

Friday Book Club

 Friday Book Club time! What reads are you loving this week?


Patricia Schlorke said...

I just read the next installment of "Ryder" on the Ilona Andrews website. Every time they put a new one on the site, it gets better and better.

In between all that, I'm re-reading Cross Breed by Lora Leigh.

library addict said...

Another week with more misses than hits.

My favorite book this week was Nicole Helm's Christmas for the Deputy (Bad Boys of Last Stand #2).

Currently I am reading Julie Miller's K-9 Protector (The Precinct #40) and enjoying it so far.

Resisting the urge to reread some Psy/Changeling books as I am behind on my reading goals for the year and already reread the entire series once in 2020.

Skyler said...

Sweep with me of Ilona Andrews (The innkeeper chronicles)

Kim said...

Not sure what I'm reading right now, when I read. It's so much harder to keep track, I'm discovering, when it's ebooks! There's nothing physical to hand on to or register. (there's my tablet, but given that it's got so many other functions/uses, it's really not the same thing.) Mostly reading bits and pieces of things, I think.

Last week (I think) I read part of a book on acrylic painting that was really inspiring and may get me back painting after 20+ years if I can find some energy. It has all sorts of ideas and prompts. I'm currently borrowing the (print) library's copy. I may have to go buy my own copy if the rest of it holds up to the promise in it so far!

Also, last night I read the kindle free sample of the book "What Autistic Girls Wish Their Parents Knew" by the Autism Women's Network (which has renamed themselves since to include non-binary people), and the introduction essay blew me away!!! If there is ONE thing people read about autism, and take to heart, I hope it's this!!! It's called "There is A Place". The gist of it is, no matter what your autistic daughter can or cannot do, or does or does not do, there is a place for her in the world, and she can have a life that works for her, no matter how different from 'normal' it looks, or is!!

Anonymous said...

I just finished "Dark Song" by Christine Feehan (simply wonderful) and now I've started my reread of the Guild Hunter series, in preparation for "Archangel's Sun". I think I started too early, because I'm already up to "Archangel's Blade". Such a wonderful series, too!!

Kelticat said...

Burn for Me, White Hot, Wildfire, and Diamond Fire by Ilona Andrews.
The Demon You Know by Christine Warren.

Anonymous said...

I mean no disrespect, but what is the point of these automated blog entries posted every Friday if the author is not contributing to the discussion?

Kim said...

Maybe the point is to create community and see what fans are reading. Given that it's usually a lot of the same people contributing, there's a certain amount of continuity, which is fun. It also gives people some great ideas sometimes for what to read. Sure, it'd be great to hear from Nalini and/or Ashwini, but I'm assuming they're WAAAY too busy. Personally, I'd rather Nalini writes a new Psy-Changeling book than hear what she's reading if it meant the writing didn't get done! And I'm sure others have the same opinion about Guild Hunter (and Psy-Changeling). Besides, Nalini occasionally provides book recommendations through her newsletter if something is particularly good.

Anonymous said...

I don’t usually post, but I often read the comments when I’m looking for something new.

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