Friday, August 23, 2019

Friday Book Club

Time to talk books! What are you reading and loving this week?


Anonymous said...

I re-read Isadora Montrose's Bear books (always smile worthy), read Diane Duvall's Death of Darkness for the first time (great!), and not much else.

Anonymous said...

In the middle of listening to Stephanie Land's The Maid - autobiography - read (very successfully) by the author. Every once in a while a non-fiction books hits the radar. Also just finishing Mary Jo Putney's Once a Spy and have Zen Cho's The True Queen (A Sorcerer to the Crown Novel - 2nd in series) queued up next.

Patricia Schlorke said...

Right now reading/skimming Leverage in Death by JD Robb. Have to wait until Tuesday to read Sapphire Flames by Ilona Andrews.

Anonymous said...

Finished listening to 'Ocean Light' audio book and read J. D. Robb's Connections book. Eagerly awaiting the new Robb and Feehan books from the library.

library addict said...

We're only a month out from Sept 24. That will be an expensive day as there are at least 3 other books in addition to Archangel's War I will be buying.

I did mostly rereading again this week. I've had limited reading time due to some real life stuff, so I find it easier to set aside books if I am rereading. Plus it's easier on my brain than "meeting" new characters.

Rebecca Crowley's Insider (the first of her new London Phoenix series) was released yesterday so I hope to read that today.

Anonymous said...

I started a re-reading Marathon of the Guild Hunter books. Just reached Archangel´s Viper.

But I have to interrupt for G.A. Aikens new series The Scarred Earth Saga: The Blacksmith Queen, which will be out on Tuesday.

@library: What did I miss? Beside Archangel´s War?

jasmine said...

I started archangel's prophecy and I have a question , is there any possibility for illium and aodhan ? I can't help but adore them together

Kim said...

Yeah, it seems that September 24th is THE day for new books to come out next month! The latest Honor Harrington FINALLY comes out in paperback! YAY! and the new Cathy Glass biography comes out (although being a UK publication sometimes those get delayed getting here) ! Although I'm two UK foster career biographies behind at the moment (by different authors) because I'm hardly reading these days, so it'll likely be a while before I get to it. (Though Cathy Glass is pretty hard to resist) and I can't even remember what else (if anything else) that I'm interested in, but it seems like all the new books I'm interested in are coming out September 24th!

Currently, I'm in the middle of about 4 books! Most notably "The Hive" - the latest Ender's Game prequel. Good book, any time I can focus on reading for any length of time, and don't feel like reading something too serious or demanding (like my other books, particularly "Poems That Spark Discussion: PTSD" I forget the rest of the title it's by Wayne Federation. (I think) It's a book of poetry about a Canadian Veteran's experiences living with PTSD and trying to heal. (lived with it for 40 years before he discovered there was a name for what he was feeling/dealing with, and that there was help) ) REALLY GOOD book!

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