Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Archangel's War



Patricia Schlorke said...

Can't wait to read this book. :)

library addict said...

Looking forward to it.

Lesa said...

Wow!!! I can barely wait! Please give a little snippet of it.

Unknown said...

Waiting for another thrilling ride

Brenda said...

I'm dyin' here! 😅 I've got my pre-order in on Amazon, but it won't arrive until my birthday on September 24th. Sigh....

Anonymous said...

I'm already on the wait list at the library. Wolf Rain was my indulgence for the year. Everything else I wait for the paperback. I always watch closely so I can get on the list right after they list it in the catalog. That way I don't have to wait long to read the book. If you actually want to read Nalini's books a day or two early, you might try reserving through a local bookstore. The publisher doesn't actually require them to wait until the date and mine will usually call that my book is in when they get it. Usually that is a day or two early which makes me happy.

Kim said...

Yeah, my bookstore often gets things in early too, so I always start looking about a week early. Of course, sometimes they only order one copy of the book I'm looking for, and it gets lost in the back room, and takes a few days to find! (it's a big store!) They've told me before though that preordering often doesn't make that much difference in when it gets here and I'm usually better off just waiting for them to get it. (assuming it's one they plan on carrying)

maya said...

Elena looks like a badass in the cover! I want the wait to end and september to come like now!! :D

Unknown said...

a I can't wait for the new nalini sings I can't afford to come out I am going to preorder the audiobook but it's going to take a very long time for me to get the audio book last time I got the eye book I got it in July and takes forever for them to release an audiobook from Barnes & nobles anywhere so I'm going to do it after the book comes out so that way I don't have to worry about it

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