Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday Book Club

The Friday Book Club is now open. What are you reading and loving this week?


library addict said...

Trying to finish up the multi-author Hotel Marchand series. On the penultimate book now.

Of the ones I read this week, I really enjoyed the secondary romance in Barbara Dunlop's A Secret Life but they were the only highlight of the book.

Planning to give in and reread some Psy/Changeling books this weekend. May switch things up and just reread some my favorite novellas from the series. Waiting for Wolf Rain is hard on my TBR as it's the only thing I really want to read at the moment.

Kim said...

Just getting into "Strangers Among Us: Tales of the Underdogs and Outcasts" edited by Susan Forest and Lucas K. Law. It was published in 2016, but I only recently found it at my library. It's a series of short stories written by Canadian science fiction and fantasy authors which focuses on the "division between mental health and mental illness; how the interplay between our minds' quirks and the diverse societies and cultures we live in can set us apart, or must be concealed, or become unlikely strengths." (from the back cover) I'm approximately a third of the way through. So far it's pretty good! The best story so far is "Living in Oz" by Bev Geddes. It was apparently her first foray into fiction. It's about a mother trying to deal with her grief after her son's suicide, and feeling like she is invisible and literally disappearing. The story is a conversation with her psychologist who eventually tells her she must make a deliberate choice to be present every day, even if it's just for that day. He says even if people don't want to know about her grief, they need to listen. That the more we talk about these things, the less scary they become.

Anonymous said...

'In a Badger Way' by Laurenston, really enjoyed it. Re-read 'Shield of Winter'.

Ararose said...

I'm reading Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik and listening to the third audiobook of the Alex Verus series by Benedict Jacka. And I'm trying really hard not to start re-reading any beloved series right now, no matter how much I want to. I have too much in my TBR pile for that!

Kim said...

Can TOTALLY relate to that Ararose! You should see the stack of library books I've got right now!! Gonna half to renew about half of them this weekend 'cause I haven't gotten to them yet! And that's not to mention the handful I have on request! OR the bazillion I own that I haven't read!!

Kim said...

Oops! make that HAVE to renew. :) silly typos.

Nadia C said...

It's spring here on the east coast of the US and my garden calls loudly. But I just read the newsletter and that was just mean. That was like giving a thirsty girl a drop of water. Mean!

Unknown said...

Reading the guild hunters series for the third time. Some in audio books for the drive to and from work. Pacing myself to finish in September!


Kim said...

Reading more of "Strangers Among Us" This time a story called "The Age of Miracles" by Robert Runde. Just had to share this quote: "'No, No!' said the watch. 'That's wrong! If a dog says you have to kill someone, the correct response is, 'Bad dog! bad BAD dog!'" LOL!

Stefanny Jackson said...

Hola realemte , tengo que moderar mi addiccion a la lectura, meha traido un serio problema lei muy rapido el gremio de cazadores y ahora solo puedo esperar ansiosamente a septiembre (agonizando!!), e inclusive llegado el punto me he puesto en la tarea de reeler lentamente todos los libros , pero despues de 10 aƱos de lectura continua mi cerebro procesa muy rapido las letras ... es una ventaja ya que siempre puedo hacerle spoilers a mi hermana pero justo ahora ... solo puedo esperar a septiembre con mucha ansiedad.

Dejando mi melodrama de lado, debo decir que me uno a la lista de personas que deea saber mas de personajes como Keir y de ciertos personajes que llaman mi atencion como Andreas y Nazarach.
mi lectura de este mes son clasicos y libros de epoca, estoy con Julia Quinn y Elizabeth Barrett Browning ademas de poesia de W.Blake ..

Ansiosa por la espera

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