Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Question Time

Hello lovely readers! I've decided to create a new segment where I ask you to dive deeper into the Nalini Singh universe. :D

Today's question: If you lived in the Psy-Changeling world, would you rather be human, changeling or Psy? And what draws you to your particular choice? 



Alecia said...

Ummm, do we have to pick one? I like each for different reasons, and which one I want to be changes depending on mood.

If I had to stick to one choice, it would probably be changeling, because of the family/pack dynamics, and a place where you are accepted as you are.

SunnyQueen said...

I would be a psy. But a no name yet
Kickass psy like Tamar and spend my nosing around ๐Ÿ˜

Hello everyone ๐Ÿ˜˜

Shira said...

Definitely a changeling. I've always wanted to become a wolf and run through the forest as fast as I can.

Mรญol Mรณr said...

What a fun jaunt into fantasy land! Obviously, I'd be a changeling, being one with my spirit animal, Miol Mor, at home in the endless blue! AThere's a vastness waiting to be discovered, hidden secrets yet uncovered, that seem out of reach of both human and Psy. Wouldn't it be fabulous to be able to dance among icebergs underneath the aurora, or just laze in warmer waters, whenever the mood strikes or the deep calls.

library addict said...

Tough choice, but I will say Psy as I would like to be able to teleport so I could visit lots of places. Not sure I would make a very good Arrow though!

G. Singh said...

hmm this one is a tough choice, but I think I'd pick Psy...I'm not sure what designation as yet, but the thought of having access to so much information, and literally being able to see the bonds that connect people along the web/net is pretty cool

Lesa said...

I think Changeling. I think I would like to run wild like a at. Are you guys ok? I hear you guys are having fire storms.

Unknown said...

I'd be a changeling to find my life partner to know what real love is like, and be able to be part of a wonderful family with my packmates, and hell becoming an animal is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Have been human, so would have to say a changeling-psy ( Lucas has both)
The problem is deciding do I want to be a water, land or air changeling? Is there an animal that can live in all 3?
What psy power would I have? mind reading, teleportation, seer,...
so many choices!

Unknown said...

Well, I probably would turn into a Psy, but absolutely would like to be a wolf, :)

Khemrajee Jagat Saidah Gilbert said...

Psy- I like the idea of not having to talk out loud to be understood by other people.

Patricia S said...

This is a hard one. All three are important. Psy in a changeling pack (like the Lauren family and others who are adopted or married). Which designation? An F Psy like Faith. This way if any more cracks in the den happen, everyone would know. ๐Ÿ˜„

Anonymous said...

I think I'd stay a human. We're the glue this universe needs to survive. How wonderful to be the answer for a world.

Wrayth said...

Psy (or bird changeling)

Late for the bus? Teleport to school/work. Local shop closes in 5 mins but you live 15mins away? Teleport!

Want breakfast in Paris, then go surfing in new zealand in the afternoon? Teleport! XD


Unknown said...

Ohh that's actually hard because the psy have some amazing powers. But I think I'd go with a changeling, because who doesn't love having a pack at their back? I'm big on family, and a changeling has strength, speed, and most importantly family groups.


Laly said...

I asked myself this when I first started reading the novels, and even though I'd do a pretty good job being an ordinary human, and I love animals so it'd be great to shapeshift; the more I read the more I think it'd be easier to be a psy. I'm not quite sure if it's because of their unattachment or that they have so much power within their minds, but I like them.

Eva said...

A tiger changeling would be fantastic!
They`re so strong and beautiful.

Anonymous said...


Cheri Ann said...

Cat changeling - my husband (dislexic but reads with me) thinks i’m Halfway there already....and I tend to agree.๐Ÿ˜ป

Rachel said...

Human, but one of the forgotten...for three reasons: 1. As a small child I had cancer but it's treatment left me with on-going physical health issue, and I think only humanity would be truly accepting of those both in children and adults; 2. As a human, I already have many of the empathetic tendencies which would clearly put me with the Forgotten; and finally, 3. Where the storyline currently is makes it an exciting time to be human.

belen47 said...
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belen47 said...

Can I choose both? I’m thinking of Sasha’s daughter, a changeling with psychic talents.

Anonymous said...

...I am also a cat changeling...but a domestic tabby not a leopard or a tiger..speaking of which though I would love to meet some different changeling lions and a white Siberian tiger in Nalini's magical world..

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