Tuesday, October 23, 2018

One Week To Go!!


Anonymous said...

Not able to view the image. :(

Patricia S said...

Oh. My. Goodness! What a tease! Next Tuesday here we come. Can't wait to read it. Eeek!

Anonymous said...

Is anything written on the image ? I still cannot view it .... :( Shows a broken image link ....

Concepcion30 said...

I was wondering which past books would be best to read in preparation for this one. The prophecy was first mentioned in Nassir's book. So probably Archangel's Enigma, and the last Raphael/Elena book, Archangel's Heart.

library addict said...


It's a picture from a balcony in NYC that is tinted with reds. There is a picture of the book with the on sale date (October 30).

The text reads:

"Singh heightens tension in this spellbinding paranormal romance as familial bonds deepen and a heartbreaking mystery unfolds."
-Publishers Weekly
(starred review)

Anonymous said...

@library addict - Thank you so very much !!! :)

It is still puzzling why the image is visible to others but not to me. I tried different browsers - no luck.

Unknown said...

I'm so excited I'm currently rereading the entire series in prep for the 30th release date!!!!! Had this book on pre-order for months! I can't wait to see what this new book brings to the series!!!

Anonymous said...

Please PLEASE do not make Aodhan and Illium a couple. I don't understand why people feel they should engage in a sexual relationship simply because they're good frieds. They're brothers of the heart, of course there would be love between them. That love is a love one sibling has for another. It is not and should not be sexual. Please don't ruin the series by having them get involved in that way with one another. It's a disgusting concept when you consider the fact that they're blood brothers. No person (in their right mind) would wish two siblings to engage in a sexual relationship. I remember people hoping that Vasic and Aden would end up together but thank God they each found love with the perfect match for them. Vasic and Aden were brothers of the heart too and very close. For some weird reason, some people seem to think that should make them sexually attractive to each other. But again, THEY ARE BROTHERS. Any type of sexual relationship between them would be incestuous.

Unknown said...

Awesome books, can't wait for more " please consider doing a TV series?

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