Friday, August 17, 2018

Friday Book Club

The Friday Book Club is now open. What are you reading and loving this week?


VerĂ³nica said...

Hi! I'm reading Burn Bright by Patricia Briggs, pretty cool actually, but I'm still in love with her Mercy Thompson's series. Also, I just started to read The Dollmaker of Krakow by R.M. Romero (the title sounds better in spanish in my opinion) and its looking pretty nice.

Have a nice day!

Patricia S said...

I read the newsletter and the wonderful excerpt for Rebel Hard. Raj is going to have lots of bruises on his legs if he's not careful.

Having been invited to an Indian wedding reception, I can understand the stares and emphasis on having an education. I've had a lot of "oh really" from my friend's family. I also found out that one of her cousins went to the same school I did for my undergraduate degree. That raised a lot of eyebrows. I met my friend when we were both getting our doctorates in Biostatistics. I got a lot of smiles when asked how my friend and I met. I felt like I went through the Indian equivalent of the Spanish Inquisition. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Magic and the Shinigami Detective by Honor Raconteur. Someone or something recommended it and I'm really enjoying it. It's quite different than I thought it would be, based on the description. I bought a Kindle edition and I can read little "notes" and "comments" written at the start of each chapter - which some readers found impossible to decipher, according to the Amazon reviews. The plot is moving relatively slowly, but that allows me to get to know the characters and world, in what I presume will be a series. It's a sort of "Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" premise, with a woman who's pulled from present day California into a Victorian steam punk world. But, instead of viewing it all from her perspective, we see the story mostly through the eyes of her new partner in the local police force. He's an interesting character and I think it's a fascinating story. I'm about 70% through.

library addict said...

I had a clear out some of the DVR TV watching week, so not much reading time.

Just started Amelia Autin's A Father's Desperate Rescue (Man on a Mission #7). I liked the hero's wife in an earlier book in the series and was super bummed when she was killed off, so I've put off reading this book for a long while. So far the hero is getting on my last nerve, but I like the heroine.

WraythRose said...

Finished reading Kristi Charish's Owl and___ series, archaeologist association help to hide the supernatural from the world, owl was betrayed by them & is a thief now & gets drawn into supernatural stuff. Very much enjoyed the 4 books! Then I read Jane doe suggested by Ilona Andrew's, enjoyed that too.
Read The Point by John Dixon also good! About a military school teaching superpowered teens... And just finished trail of lightning by Rebecca roanhorse, good book curious about the next!

Now what'll I read?

Anonymous said...

I’m starting on my re-read of the Kings Dark Tidings series by Kel Kade, as book 4 comes on the 8th of September.
First book is: Free the Darkness.

Is an epic fantasy, rather than any description of romance, about Rezkin, who has grown up and trained in seclusion, and what happens once his training is complete.

The Audible edition is also fantastic, very well narrated by Nick Podehl

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