Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Let's talk heroes. Who are your favorites in the Psy-Changeling series? 


Anonymous said...

I'm going to say all of them who rebelled against Silence and all the changeling groups. If I have to say names and choose specific characters, here's my short list: Kaleb, Judd, Sahara, Sascha, Anthony, Sienna, Zie Zen, Max (for putting up with Nitkita), Dev, Tammy, Lara, and Alice.

Patricia S

Anonymous said...

Walker. He gave his knowledge Judd,Aden,Vasic and the rest of the Arrows when they were children,knowing he would be punished if caught.

Shira said...

Lucas, Sascha, Vasic and Ivy. They're also my two favorite couples. Followed by Kaleb and Sahara.

Sherri L. said...

I like all the heroes from this series but Judd,walker,kaleb Aden and vasic because they were men who went through bad things and had to hide their feelings behind silence and do things they didn't want to but still did the right thing for the people they cared about even if they might be caught and punished for it.

Anonymous said...

Kaleb, Walker, Sascha, Lucas, Judd, Sahara, Sienna, Zie Zen, Vasic, Dev, Anthony.

If I had to choose one - I would choose Kaleb. He chose to be a hero when with his upbringing he could have easily become a monster. I am not sure if the train incident happened before or after he met Sahara - nevertheless for a small boy to choose to do that when he had never ever known any kindness shows a strength that is astounding.

Skyler said...

It's difficult to choose one but he would be Judd or Kaleb or Hawke

library addict said...

Can't pick just one or even six :P

Sascha, Lucas, Brenna, Judd, Walker, Tammy, Lara, Nathan, Sophia, Max, Emmett, Abbot, Aden, Zara, Vasic, Ivy, Jaya, Silver, Valentin, Katya, Dev, Sahara, Kaleb, Clay, Faith, Anthony, Zie Zen... so many books, so many heroic characters both overtly and the subtle, more quiet heroes.

Sprints said...

Clay, Kaleb, Vasic, and Valentin are my favorites. I'm starting to see a pattern here...

Eva said...

Hmmm... Hawke & Sienna,little Ben ,Anthony (I love his quiet dominance.Hope he`ll catch his woman soon.), Axl (for his fascination for Tamar), Vasic and of course Ming.

ladyreadsalot66 said...

Since I am rereading Kiss of Snow for the umpteenth time I would have to say Hawke. I think my second favourite would be Ben followed closely by Ivy. I believe that enduring heroes need to have some darkness in their pasts in order to fight so valiantly for the light. They better appreciate what they are fighting for. (Also their journeys are more interesting to read about!)

Claire said...

@ladyreadsalot66 : ditto
I would say all of them but I particularly like to reread Kiss of snow because of Hawke and Sienna.

-AMP said...

I am drawn to Judd and Vasic, but probably my favorite is still Kaleb Krychek for his depth, and not really knowing which way he was going to go. (He may be dark and cold except for Sahara BUT deep down there’s a sense of honor that allows me to like him even at his chilliest. And also Ms Singh must have been on fire with the muse when she wrote that story.) I also like Councilman Anthony Kyriakus for some reason. Working behind the scenes.
I kind of have a soft spot for all of them though. The rambunctious good nature of Drew contrasted by his fierce concern for his sister.
It’s been a bit since I read the series though.
On the flip side, I had trouble getting into Silver Mercant and her bear. Do not know why.

oakdryad said...

Vasic. Aden. Valentin. Judd. And Anthony.

I like most of the others as well, but these are truly my favorites.

Anonymous said...

Lucas and Walker are my favourites. :)

Saskia said...

Riley, definitely! I love him. He is wonderful. And Mercy because
strong women are amazing.
Oh, and I like Felix because of how sweet he is.

Nani said...

Is it necessary to decide for some? only one? They could not be, I do not know maybe, everyone. Okay, so I'll decide. Hawke anda Kaleb.

Yvonne B said...

Judd, kaleb, Walker, Vasic, Lucas, Sahara, Anthony, Sasha, Brenna, Aden, Ivy and the list goes on. Impossible to choose.

Yvonne B said...

Judd, kaleb, Walker, Vasic, Lucas, Sahara, Anthony, Sasha, Brenna, Aden, Ivy and the list goes on. Impossible to choose.

AlwaysV said...

My Top Five . . . scoring only .001% apart. . . are . . .
♡ Kaleb ♡ Hawke ♡ Judd ♡ Lucas ♡ Vasic ♡

But just for the cuddling purpose. . . ♡ Valentin ♡

Anonymous said...

Love this question... My favorites are: Judd, Ashaya, Aden, Walker, Teijan, Remi. Most of the Arrows (Amin, ), and many of the characters we still don't know much about.

Probably not so popular, but I'd be also interested to hear about the least favorite characters of everyone!

Unknown said...

My top five(1-5) is as followed:
Kaleb, Judd, Zaira, Mercy, Nikita

Yes you read right, Nikita. To me she is a Hero, even darker than Kaleb somehow but, oh well :3

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