Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Archangel's Heart

The downloads have begun! I hope you fall in love with Elena and Raphael and the Guild Hunter crew all over again. :)


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I don't want to be at work today (Tuesday for those who live in the "past"). I want to read this book. Started to read it before work, but I knew if I started I would want to keep reading.

Patricia S

Shuber said...

I LOVED this book and can't wait for the next release. Are you able to tell us who or what the next book will focus on? Excited and impatiently waiting!

anonym said...

OMG! I still have to wait!!


I' m so excited I fear I will get an heart attack!!!!

Anonymous said...

I loved this book and my God the tension between aodhan and illium. But I just don't think that they will end up together, although it does put me in mind of the teases Ms Singh gave us in the Psy-changling of Hawke and Sienna.... I really like the idea of Aodhan with Suyin the incredible architect?

Anonymous said...

Wonderful story. I'm so glad to see Ellie's grandparents. Actually I was thinking that something in Ellie's ancestry made her susceptible to become an angel instead of vampire. But I'm happy with Ambrosia concept too.
Hoping for Aodhan's story; however I'm not ready for Ilium or Aodhan to be more than friends.

asiort said...

I'm waiting for Elena to develop a superpower =) Since she's so filled with life & has an affinity for plants... Maybe the ability to affect anything that grows of the earth. Even though she's a baby immortal, she is special.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for another great book! Loved it!
- Odiepr

BrendaP said...

OMG!!!!!!! God this book.was so amazing. i loved every moment of the book i dint want it to end
raphael and elena are grown so much ts amazing and cute
butvi agree aodhan and illium are better off as friends. but illium deserves a girl aodhan is healing which is great too.
i want to read about jefferys reaction on seeing madja

Anonymous said...

First I just want to thank Nalini for yet another amazing novel. I agree with some of the others that this story didn't do much in the way of moving the larger plot forward, but it was great to get so many lovely scenes that deepened my understanding of the characters and this beautifully diverse world she's created. It was great to learn more about the Cadre and how they interact with one another. I really enjoyed getting know Hannah better too. There were so many wonderful things in this book, and still I just want to see more. I do wish we could have seen Aodhan & Illium's reconcilation as I have no doubt in my mind that they will. I know we are all divided about seeing a romantic relationship between them. I will only say that it isn't up to us. In truth it isn't even up to Nalini. She has proven time and again that she discovers her characters through the story and she writes them true to who they are and what they want. That is one of the things I love most about this series. The characters are so intricate and truly have a life of their own. The heroes are flawed and the villains have shining moments that make you have a heart for them (even if only for a moment). I have my own secret wishes for Aodhan and Illium (as I do for many of her characters), and while the waiting game can be agonizing for us all, what is in store for these two will only be revealed when they are ready and when they understand their own feelings. Love and sex don't go hand in hand, and of course you can have one without the other, but who are we to decide what form their love will take? All I can do is love them and eagerly wait to see what happens next.

Thank you again Nalini for having such a wonderful imagination, a beutiful heart, and an open mind.

xyz said...

Loved the book. I am rooting for Aaodhan and Illium to get together. Having characters who are so diverse has been one of the things I love most about your writing and would be fantastic to have a lgbt pairing as a main lead

Eva said...

For me, Aodhan and Illium have a deep and true friendship and I loved how Nalini did show us Aodhan`s healing process. Laric will help him too (and vice versa). I really hope, that Raphael can heal a bit of his scar tissue. And I´m also looking forward for a bit more of Keir. He is interesting and very complex.

Jeffrey and his former parents-in-law... - A meeting would probably tear up old memories, but otherwise it could be a chance for him to come to terms with oneself. I´m curious what Nalini will do.

Eva said...

For me, Aodhan and Illium have a deep and true friendship and I loved how Nalini did show us Aodhan`s healing process. Laric will help him too (and vice versa). I really hope, that Raphael can heal a bit of his scar tissue. And I´m also looking forward for a bit more of Keir. He is interesting and very complex.

Jeffrey and his former parents-in-law... - A meeting would probably tear up old memories, but otherwise it could be a chance for him to come to terms with oneself. I´m curious what Nalini will do.

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