Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Talk to me :)

Ashwini reminded me that we're sending out a newsletter this week. I haven't had a chance to write a new short story for it, but I have lots of exclusive never-before-seen excerpts. The question is, which excerpt do you want? 

Choices: ALLEGIANCE OF HONOR or something from one of the four new novellas in WILD EMBRACE. 

Guild Hunter peeps, I won't torture you with early peeks of ARCHANGEL'S HEART yet, since the release is so far in the future. Let me know your choice in the comments!

If you want to subscribe to the newsletter, just fill in this form, then click the link sent to your email. You should then get an automatic Welcome newsletter with links to previous newsletter exclusive short stories etc. Any issues, email Ashwini: naliniDOTassistantATgmailDOTcom (replace DOT/AT with ./@)


Claire said...

Could we have both... please ?
Thank you anyway for the snippet.

Anonymous said...

Definitely both, please! If... if there's no way that will happen, um... then something from either "Echo of Silence" or "Partners in Persuasion" in "Wild Embrace," pretty please!

ggeorgelys said...

We've had some "ALLEGIANCE OF HONOR" I think it's now the turn of "WILD EMBRACE"

Shira said...

All of them, please, including Guild Hunter ones!

Anonymous said...

Both please!!!!

But if that's being greedy then Allegiance of Honor :)

Anonymous said...

I vote for something from Wild Embrace :)

Carlos H said...

I am curioso about both of them sรณ. ... The One with the closest release date

Unknown said...

I've been dying to read more from allegiance of honour! Possibly something with Kaleb and Sahara by chance? Pretty please?? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

library addict said...

Ooh, as much as I would love an Allegiance of Honor excerpt, I've got to go with something from the Dezi/Felix story, Partners in Persuasion from the Wild Embrace antholgy.

Anonymous said...

Allegiance of Honor please. But any are awesome and just whet my appetite and make it hard to wait.

Anonymous said...


Jenette said...

Allegiance, please!

Anonymous said...

Novella excerpt, please!

Anonymous said...

a wild embrace excerpt hopefully from echo's of silence, since you mentioned him I've been curious.

Darmaris said...

Allegiance of Honor!

Anonymous said...

Both =D...but if I had to choose I'd say Wild Embrace ;)

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, that's a tough one... But I think I'll vote for Partners in Persuasion. I've been curious to no end about these two ever since you mentioned writing their story! :D

Anonymous said...

Both please! If it isn't possibile than an excerpt from "Partners in persuasion" would be perfect. Elsewhere I would love an excerpt from Allegiance of Honor (maybe about Nikita or Anthony or even both of them). Thank you Nalini, you're the best :)

Larissa said...

I would like both too! But since we have to choose, Allegiance Of Honor please :) Less of a wait until we can have the whole book!

ismaha said...

Oooh, that's tough...How about a longer one from "Partners in Persuasion", and a shorter one from " Allegiance" ? As a compromise.

Anonymous said...

Dear Nalini - no matter what you chose - it will make me happy! I am sick (catched a cold from my toddler) and everything will lighten up my day...;-)
Best regards,

Anonymous said...

Any one of the stories would make a great short story. So my decision is author's choice. :)

Patricia S

Anonymous said...

Both, please, please, please!

Stephanie B said...

My vote is for something from "Echo of Silence".

Ange of Tampa said...

selfishly I would say both but any one is awesome.Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Partners in Persuasion :)

elodie said...

Well, maybe something from Wild Embrace.

Kisses from Lyons. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh god, this is hard... I'd go for an Allegiance of Honor excerpt, but anything else sounds absolutly great too. Anything is fine :D

Chantal said...

I would love to see an excerpt with annie and Zach, although I also really want to see an excerpt from echo's of silence, and pretty much any of the other novella's in wild embrace

Leah said...

Anything from Wild Embrace!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Hello I would like anything from the archangle series. There are no bad options. I will enjoy either

BBN said...

If you go with Wild Embrace, I'd like something from Echo of Silence. If not that, then I'd like Allegiance of Honor.

Will be see Kaleb and Sahara in either book? I'm always on the lookout for more of them. :)

G. Singh said...

Hmm.. I'd be happy with any one...But to narrow it down would like to read something from Echo of Silence or Allegiance of Honour

Anonymous said...

allegiance of honor pls

Sel said...


Mel said...

Either one would be awesome, but I vote WILD EMBRACE. :)

Anonymous said...

Allegiance of Honour please.

Trudy C said...

Wild Embrace snippet pls.

Denise said...

Allegiance of Honor! Please!

Susan said...

Nalini I love ALL of your books and I am looking forward to the next installment of the Guild Hunter series. I also wanted to see if you can confirm that at some point in the future there will be a book for Illium. I am also hoping that Aodhan will also get his own book as they are both so endearing and deserve a HEA. Please keep writing and sharing your wonderful stories!

Anonymous said...


Em said...

Any of that is torture... Why not be REALLY nice and give us one of each ;) for your beloved fans, oh Empress. (Get it?)
Thanks, anything would be great! We love you anyway

Anonymous said...

Anyone know if Nalini Singh adapt this saga as film, or television series?
Regards ^^

Unknown said...

I am anxiously waiting more Guild Hunter books - I just finished Enigma. I would love to see a tease of something new.

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