Saturday, March 12, 2016

Allegiance of Honor Cover Reveal

I love this cover so much!!!!! It's PERFECT for this book!!


library addict said...

So pretty.

Love the fingerprint and the Cnageling silhouettes. Plus lovely colors.

The waiting to read it is the hard part. *sob* Only 75 more days. Cannot wait!

Leah said...

I love the colors too! So excited for this one.

library addict said...

Oops that should be 95 days to go. I was too excited to count I guess.

Donna said...

Wow great cover makes you want to go out and buy the book. Love the colors and figures This book can not come out soon enough
Well done Nalini and to everyone who is helping publish and release this book
you have another winner.

Donna (kc2nc)

Heather Long said...

That's gorgeous!

Nemo said...

Wow, amazing! Beautiful colors, awesome changeling's animals and pretty changeling's net! Whoever makes that cover - good job!

Nemo said...

Wow, amazing! Beautiful colors, awesome changeling's animals and pretty changeling's net! Whoever makes that cover - good job!

Anonymous said...

love it cool

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Great cover, I really do like the colors!

And now we need an excerpt, or? ;)

Anonymous said...

Your books always have amazing covers and so reflect the story and characters of the book. I am so startled when I read a book and the cover in no way reflects the description of the characters in the book. One famous authors female lead has short curly strawberry blond hair and the cover always has a shoulder lenghth straight blond hair. Another authors cover keeps changing and the female lead keeps changing and none of them ever look like the description in the book.
Whoever does your books does your proud :)

Anonymous said...

So pretty!

Saiqa Uk said...

Love it! And it proves you don't always need a hot man on the cover, lol.

Anonymous said...

What a reveal! If Tony Mauro was the artist, he did another great cover for you, Nalini.

Can't wait to read the story. Any snippets from the book would greatly be appreciated (hint, hint, hint...).

Patricia S

Anonymous said...

Best cover so far!!! This cover truly is the one that I prefer the most!<3

SkipBeat said...

Ditto. It is as you say, Perfect!
Can't wait!

Ainnie Grieve said...

OMG! I can't wait for this book! I so love all your books! Can't wait to read more about the arrows!And the the changelings as well!

Maryadine said...


Anonymous said...

Can anyonee tell me when this book is due out?

Anonymous said...

I love it! I just hope the UK cover is equally as good! :)

Unknown said...

Wow. This may be my favorite cover of yours yet. It may be one of my favorite covers, period.

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