Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Archangel's Legion Spoiler Zone

This is where you can freely discuss Archangel's Legion and previous books in the Guild Hunter series. Remember, *spoilers* abound, so click away if you haven't yet read the book!

If you're reading this on Goodreads, please come by the main blog to comment and join in the discussion.

As always, please be respectful of one another's opinions and have fun.


Anonymous said...

"My Lovers have always been warrior women."

Now we know where we get that from: Tasha.

"You ever taunt me with Tasha again,"and I will guild you."

Love it

Anonymous said...

Tasha McHotpants

Elle said...

As always, Nalini Singh took my breath away with her newest addition, ‘Archangel’s Legion’. Full of everything I usually adore in her series, both Guild Hunter and Psy/Changeling, it was a true representation of the love of a family that’s stronger then blood and such fierce devotion, Raphael and Elena both blew me away with the depths that they feel for each other.

I find that my fascination for Naasir has reached new heights since that first glimpse we saw in ‘Archangel’s Kiss’. He remains the last of the Seven that we truly see in full light of Elena’s perspective, and he didn’t disappoint. I can honestly say he’s becoming a favourite of mine, the lunatic with the manic grin. I feel Ashwini and Naasir would get along well. Rocket launches and all.

As always, I feel saddened and disappointed when a ‘third wheel’ tries to come between a pair I truly adore, so it’s no surprise that I want to carve out Tasha’s eyes with my blade.

This, and only this, was a massive downside for me reading this book. And the only thing I despised. Unfortunately, I feel we haven’t seen the last of Tasha, and even though her role in this book was relatively small, I’m regrettably dreading the next book because characters such as her have a nasty habit of returning. Example: Michaela.

I’d admit I was suspecting, and hoping, our dearest Elena would show some new and ultimately breathtaking new angelic power of destruction. But I feel maybe Nalini didn’t want to introduce something so soon. However, I suspect she will have a power of great standing. And I look forward to her unleashing it.

I greatly enjoyed seeing Sara and her Ex-Slayer husband again, as well as seeing more of Eve (though disappointed Amy did not receive as much attention). Glimpses into Jeffrey’s past while insightful, I felt that Elena and her father still have some ways to go. We also see more of the Tower inner workings, and glimpses into the Guild. With two already destined for Elena’s Guard (Vivek and young angel Izak we first met early on in ‘Angel’s Blood’), young Sam still has some ways to go, I think this broken yet together-against-it-all family Elena and Raphael are gathering will have more members soon!

Unfortunately we didn’t see much (if any) of Honour, Galen, Sorrow, Venom, Jessamy, the Hummingbird, Mahiya, Nimra, or Noel. I was looking forward to seeing more of the Seven’s mates and Elena bonding, but it was not meant to be this time.

I loved how Keir was very involved in this book, and I think we’ll be seeing more. Astaad as well as Elijah and Hannah made appearances I was very happy with. I’m hoping to see more of them, as well as the new character Mele in the books to come.

I enjoyed the glimpse into Caliane’s newly risen kingdom, and I hope while as of yet it’s still a little early, Elena and Caliane’s relationship will take a turn for the better. I hope that someday their relationship could be maternal, but maybe that won’t happen until Elena has children of her own. It might be a good bonding experience for them both. However, I think children for our warrior-pair won’t happen anytime soon.

In the second book, there was a brief mention of the flowers in the Refuge blooming a month before Elena awoke from her coma. A glimpse maybe at her future power? While I enjoyed the symbolism that the Wildfire is something that is tied closely to Elena and Raphael’s bond, I do hope she’ll gain power to hold her own, and become something of a nightmare to her enemies. I’ll enjoy Michaela and Tasha being annihilated, a little too much perhaps.

Does anyone else think Marguerite Deveraux was related to an Ancient? Or perhaps someone still alive? Maybe Elena has more family out there then she thinks. Allies perhaps. But one thing is for certain, since Marguerite had some magic in her blood (confirmed by Raphael) we haven’t seen the last of her. Secrets, as they say, cannot be hidden long.

One last thing.

I think Illium’s book is next in line!

Until next time!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow. I never really thought of it that way. What if Elena has powers like Poison Ivy? She IS always in her green house. Nalini always pairs Elena and plants together!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you that Elena has a connection to plants. Very insightful with your logic.

Hopefully we will get to see more of the seven's mates, also I can't for Ash's book.

p.s. I don't the next book will be Illium's.

Unknown said...

Wow..very insightful elle. I enjoyed reading ur post

Anonymous said...

Spoiler: Omg! I loved it!!!! The laughing Raphael, the entire territory tog. The Legions.... I couldn't get better than that! Though I had a feeling that we'd see some childhood frnd of Raphael's. Tasha entry in terms of Raphael n Elena's relationship was much needed as it only strengthens it.
Incidentally, U didn't mention Micheala's new power... Consciously?
And I fell in Love with Naasir!!! He's nothing like I thot and everything a guy should be- lethal, intelligent and a smartass! He's like a tiger... I kept wondering if he'd bite Ellie :P I can see why Nalini kept him for d last of d seven to b introduced. He deserved it. I wish there were more of Venom though. And Sorrow as well.
Also, now I wanna read Elijah's story... Since Kier only touched upon it and left us curious. one query though- in d first 4 novels, there was always a mention that an angel was turning into an Archangel. In dis one, we see that Illium is also on his path to Archangelhood. So is he d one Raphael kept referring to as d one on the brink on brcoming an archangel?

luthienlinwelin said...

Absolutely loved the book and the direction the series is taking!

- Poor Jeffrey :'( He's still a flying bag of d*cks, but at least we know where he's coming from now. I can't wait to see where Nalini takes him

- Naasir. He's a were-tiger, isn't he? ISN'T HE? *squee*

- Izzy and Sam. SO CUTE.

- Definitely want to see more of Astaad and Titus.

My only complaint was that sometimes the descriptions (ex. of Aodhan) got a little repetitive and the prose too... lush, for lack of a better word.

Anonymous said...

MORE SPOILERS PLEASE!!!Waiting for my copy to arrive and would like some more tidbits to quench my impatience ;)

Kitty said...

"...so it’s no surprise that I want to carve out Tasha’s eyes with my blade."

"However, I suspect she will have a power of great standing. And I look forward to her unleashing it."

"I do hope she’ll gain power to hold her own, and become something of a nightmare to her enemies. I’ll enjoy Michaela and Tasha being annihilated, a little too much perhaps."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Elle! You remind me of a Hunter! Amazing post! I have a good feeling about the plant thing, as well as Elena's mom!

Only thing you left out was Micheala's new power. But if what we think will happen, Micheala is going to regret the day she ever stood facetoface with Elena!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

something interesting with Michaela when she came for sanctuary bc she was supposedly pregnant, there was this line that seemed so foreshadowing, Idk if anyone else thinks there was some great significance to that moment, bc what purpose would it have served?

Anonymous said...

spoiler: i agreee with the rest of the guild hunters: what EXACTLY is janvier and ash's relationship since he's playing nurse in her apt. (jokingly, wouldn't her brother enjoy THAT)

the legion comes in the end...and I suspect fully formed will be a strange image of raphael with elena's wings...

however, the primary's answer does make me wonder -- if they follow warriors and elijah was not a warrior enough (general angel, then after a beheading, an archangel) why not titus, who if nothing else is a warrior.

i'm also surprised the villian, lijuan, ddin't send her reborn into the land of the queen fo poisons, neha....oh well

on another unrelated note...i think jessamy's might get jealous because galen's going to be drooling over the legion's skills...

i am curious as to the next elean/raphael book since elena is gaining more info on her ancestors,,,she's hunterborn through her daddy and has the power of a vampire through her mother...no wonder she has power...and getting short circuits...

i am glad about the more insight into bluebell and sparkle...(i'm sorta a bit lost on the healing part scene between the two, but i'm proably missing something) actually, i'm more curious about nassir, sparkle, and now venom.

the pace of the book was interesting.

Sjheena said...

*fans self* YES YES YES!! I am STILL caught up in the rapture! I LOVED THIS Book!!

ZOMG! I loved:

-That while he loves Elena, Raphael is not "tamed"

-I LIVE for the moments between he and his 7, I had tears welling in my eyes during those scenes when the battle looked bleek

-Raphael is still sexy as a motherfu@#er! ZOMG his sexxxy scenes with his consort *blushes!!*

- I loved seeing Illium more. I like Aodhan, but I missed my Venom. I hope he is back next book.

- I wanted more with crazy Michaela and the non-baby

-I LIKE scary Dahriel, lol

- MORE Janvier! He deserves to get LAID! Shit or get off the pot Ash!

-Did I mention this book was a page turner, read it in record time!

-Nassir has my FULL attention....Lord he is interesting. Me wants more!

Anonymous said...

Que difícil es entender lo que escriben, creo que vuestra gramática es terrible. Sí se calman tal vez para los que hablamos español y traducimos inglés se nos aclare el panorama.

Anonymous said...

What can I say???

*fans herself* feeww...
*Love all of Raphael's 7
*Turned the page and the book was finished. Next book please..loved every bit of the book.

-I'm intrigued to learn the full meaning of Aeclari.

My tears wouldn't stop when Elena took Beth to see Marguerite's things.

Do we get Elijah's & Hannah's story? I love all of Rahpael's sevens. How cute is Sam & Izak.

Enjoyed the battle scene especially with Sara, Decon, Ransom and others.

Apart from me wanting to marry Illium wishes ;)

-This so Elena loved this part of the book (conversation between Elena & Hannah)

"The little tables there," Hannah said as Elena fought the uncivilised & very unconsortlike impulse, "who was the designer?"
"I'm going to have to fess up and admit ignorance." "I'm afraid I'd get a D in that aspect of consort life."

"If you are to get a D in such things, then I'm afraid I'd get an F in defensive training." Sparkling eyes, a conspiratorial whisper. "Elijah has resorted to teaching me how to stab people in the eye with my paintbrushes."

"That's a really excellent idea if you always have paintbrushes at hand." Elena tapped a finger on her lower lip, her mind on the other tools of Hannah's craft. "I've seen Aodhan with a paint scraper-you could sever someone's jugular with that"

Anonymous said...

I think is Tasha stops playing games, she and Ellie could get along - may be a female member of E's gaurd? But I'm pretty sure they're going to have to battle it out, first.

I was happy to see more of some of the lesser known 7.

this book was great for showing the relationship between E and R. As a result, I can't wait for the next one - and maybe a pregnancy scare?

Michaela wasn't in the book much, but with the poison confirmed to be in her blood - is she going to be the next big villian?

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain to me why Michaela was pretending to be pregnant? I don't get it. There must be some significance to it.

What was she hoping to gain? It could not be to entice Raphael because even she should know by now that this would not work. S

Anonymous said...

I also think that Elena & Tasha would get along well, but first a beat down is going to take place between these two characters.

Don't forget Michaela (crazy lady) has Uram's blood in her.

Now we know that Ellie has techniques from both Jeffery & Marguerite.

Wondering if Illium is going to be the next Archangel hmm?

I Would love to see Jessamy & Galen have a child together.

Would like to know more about Ransom, Ash, Vivek & Venom.

Anonymous said...

I also too wondered why Michaela was pretending to be pregnant. Obviously she is plotting something in that territory.

Aditi said...

When the Primary announced they were THE LEGION... i swear i heard drum rolls and some sort of cool-mafia kind of music in my head. it was simply epic! ELENA-RAPHAEL!every scene just made them better. everything they share,the way you make everything just simply fit..*sigh*

I loved bluebell-sparkle scenes! o Nalini...i cried and laughed and cried some more. Nassir!!! 'nuff said. When elena was working on his spine and they shared a moment...*eeeiikkess* oh! we so needed a tasha! that particular sparring session..HAWT-E!

I CANT WAIT.. i simply cant wait for the next installments.

Anonymous said...

LOVED it! Now the wait until the next book comes out. I can't believe Nalini has written so many books at such a fast pace for both the GH and Psy/Changeling series and the quality for both remains so high. She's my all-time favorite.

Unlike PP I love it when an old flame flares again in a novel. Maybe because it gives the new couple a chance to face their insecurities and come out stronger? Tasha would have been a perfect choice for Raphael. Polished, beautiful, strong, and knows how to work politics. He didn't choose her and reaffirmed his love to Elena. *Swoons*

I hate, HATE Jeffrey. I don't care what kind of demons he has in his past, I have zero sympathy for him. Nearly every single character in Nalini's worlds have traumatic pasts. It doesn't make them turn on and abuse their loved ones. Elena needs to pay a visit to the Dealing with Inlaws and Families of Origin message board on BabyCenter to learn how to deal with him. Forgiveness and reconciliation are two separate things. She can forgive him in her heart without ever talking to him again. What if E and R had a child? Would you tell the child that "Grandaddy thinks your mommy is an abomination, kicked her out at 16 and can't be civil to her, but we see him anyway because he shares DNA?"

Susan said...

I loved the book.

I was disappointed that we did not get scenes of Dmitiri and Honor's first moments when she woke. I thought it would be in there and was looking forward to it.

I did love the baseball game over the hudson! I also loved that Rafael and Elena were a solid unit without ever being in danger of being torn apart by outside forces. The issues that came up were excellent and it was done perfectly!

I think that Illium is going to be the last of the seven to have a book especially because his is most anticipated. But also because I think that the Cascade will speed up his ascension to Archangel. There have been more and more hints that he is showing potential to become an Archangel.

I think that the Legion offers so many avenues for Nalini Singh to continue on if she liked. When Rafael accepts his power they will become individuals. That is very interesting. It will also create debate between Rafael and Elena, I think, about having what is essentially a slave workforce that is part of a hive mind. This is also a power that has potential to corrupt especially given Rafael's outlook on humans being lesser than angels.

I hope that there will be more books on Rafael and Elena!! I also hope that Dmitri and Honor get another book but something is telling me, probably not. Perhaps a novella?

Anonymous said...

I absolutely loved the book. It had every aspect of a paranormal romance that hit all my happy buttons. (grin)

The Legion - I never associated the title of the book with how they showed up. That completely threw me! I appreciated how they showed up to fight with 'bows and arrows' - Primitive weaponry which makes sense when you consider how ancient they are.

I could picture that scene of the evil witch being bombarded with arrows. Pincushion. And even though she 'escapes' we know she'll get her just desserts.

I'm still foggy on the 'signs' of Raphael calling his Legion. These were cosmic events surrounding his area, not something he indicated. Birds landing on the boat? Raining blood? Was the falling part of this? If so, he was the cause of losing those five and seriously injuring many many more.

The vampire 'pox'... It wasn't completely clear if this was eradicated, it kept popping up both inside and outside Raphael's territory.

I felt Michaela trying to work her way into Raphael's territory, all on the sly. So many of Uram's angels and vampires warriors joined Lijuan that it wasn't a stretch to see Michaela also joining the enemy. She's perfect spy material.

I wondered if Elena and Beth brought some of their mother's things into their own homes.

I wondered about the Refuge and how many they lost, what the story was there.

As a result of Lijuan, the Cadre is stronger, alliances stronger, and I'm excited to see what happens to their world. Awesome book. Wonderful.

SHELITA said...

How do you pronounce Naasir?
What is he?
Is aeclari from an actual language, if so what is it?

God I loved this book, I read it in four hours-during finals week. So much, so much happened.

I loved seeing Elena fall into the Consort role, we finally saw Dmitri and the Seven All together in action-AAH!!!! I almost could not handle it.

I would have liked a glimpse at Jason/Mahiya, Dmitri/Honor, Janiver/Ashwini, and Ransom/his librarian but the skims were okay, I loved that other characters did not overshadow the Elena/Raphael feel.

We got some answers with Jeffrey (poor guy, but still a douche).

I honestly can not wait for the next book; I am angry with myself for reading so fast.

The answers we received left so many questions-GRR!! I do not thunk I can wait another year for the next book, in fact I know I can't

Anonymous said...

Once again Nalini proves why she is one of the only authors whose books I will actually purchase!
Loved how Elena and Rafael's relationship grew even stronger, how she stands up for her friends and proves to Rafael why they deserve his care.

Confused why Michaela pretended to be pregnant, if she would be found out. What's her scheme?

The cause of The Falling was never discovered, which bothers me somewhat.

Sooo happpy for Vivek!

I think Tasha is a decent sort. She is not a mean b*tch like Michaela. I think she will get over her resentment of Elena after a sparring session or three, and look elsewhere for love.

Naasir is full of mysteries- but my mind keeps flashing to Christine Feehan's leopard books- so I'm guessing he's a changeling of some sort. Even though we never heard of such a creature existing in this series.
I really, really, really hope that Elena and Rafael have a child soon! I know she may not be ready, but I'm sure she will manage!

Maybe the cascade will cause lots of angelic babies, hmmm?

Anonymous said...

I just finished the book and i have to say i'm happily blown away by its awesomeness.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting michalina was in the area at time of the fallen, then she had to leave. If it's her new power instead of the other, she could be working with the other two but got kicked out of the area and therefore could not use it again.

Anonymous said...

I know we all love books that focus on one couples story (demetri and honor! ) , but we need these stories that bring so much together too for the "world" to be built up.

I was thinking the same thing about Mikala. But I thought the comment about her being a spy because of her Urim connection was pretty good.

Loved the glimpses of the past and some of the history revealed.

I thought we'd get MORE about the Cascade since it was just touched on in the pervious books.

I guess I never thought about the evolution of the races in this world. I was confused, how long were there Angels without mortals?

Lucerne28 said...

Already posted my review on Goodreads/twitter.

I absolutely LOVED Archangel’s Legion. Great addition to the Guild Hunter saga. I was very happy that Raphael and Elena were front and center, taking names and kicking ass. While I have enjoyed Dmitri and Jason’s stories, Raphael and Elena still remain my all time favorite couple, so it was a great treat to see how they had progressed after Archangel’s Consort.

I hope that this is the not the last story wherein Raphael and Elena are the main protagonists. I really want to learn more about Raphael’s powers, and Raphael and Elena’s legion. I also want to see, Lijuan get a final death. That witch is on my last nerve.

One of my favorite scene/lines: Raphael to Elena:
“You have never, and will never, weaken me. You make me a better man and a better leader than I would’ve ever been without you.” He shook his head. “You said once that you couldn’t do this without me. Well, I can’t do this without you, Guild Hunter.”

Another quote- Elena having a mental conversation with Raphael as she watches Tasha fawning over Raphael.
"Bitch knows I'm here and she's trying to provoke me. Why? So she can show herself to be the more cultured, civilized one? Does she think you’ll love me less if I lose my temper and act like an idiot?” The absurdity of such an idea astounded her.

LOL. Tasha, Tasha. Keep on dreaming. Nothing can come between Elena and her Archangel.

Mrs Anti-Venom said...

Finished it last night and I have to say, my heart was pounding the whole way through! The realism in the relationship between Raphael and Elena really tugged on my heart strings at times- like when Elena realises Tasha is Raphael's ex lover, that gut wrenching feeling of the dreaded ex manifested itself in me and this is totally down to Nalini's brilliant writing style.
I'm also glad to read about an angel that looks like I do, I have green eyes, pale skin and red hair- funnily enough I was saying to my cousin (who also reads the GH books) when Storm came out that if I was an angel I'd want wings of copper and autumn- Looks like I have my wish! Haha

Thanks for another AMAZING book, I am now going to re-read the entire series again to waste the time I have before the next one comes out! Please Nalini, make it soon! I'm addicted!

Anonymous said...

Aarrrh another whole year of waiting for the next book!!! Can't Nalini do 2 a year?!!!

why is it that Naasir has taken a liking to Elena but Demitri and Elena will never be friends considering the relationship between Raphael and Dimitri! underneath the hostility between Venom and Elena I think he really likes her too. I thought since Dimitri has Honour now he would understand E and respect her. Maybe this will come about in later books....

Yes Raphael and Elena will always be my favourite couple. I have never read a story with such a love like theirs. Maybe Roarke and Eve from the In Death series by JD Robb.

Finally we know what the P in Elena's name is! I like it, Parker is strong, tides in well with such a feminine name like Elena..

I suppose it will be another couple of years before we get another Raphael and Elena book! It is 2 years till this one!! This is why Nalini needs to write 2 books a year! Surely there has to be another of their story coz there's so much more to reveal about them still!

Absolutely love this book!

Anonymous said...

I think next book will be Venom or Aodhan tho I wish it could be Raphael and Elena again and again with the 7 having some sort of big part in it that their story can still be told... waiting for the next book is agony enough let alone waiting for the next Raphael and Elena book. Gosh I'll be old and gray when their next book is next! We've only got 2 from the 7!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I didn't sleep at all! Just want to know, why 777? :)

Tess said...

Please, please, please Nalini write faster! LOL! Now that I have that off the chest, I loved the book. I'm curious if, with the acid in the blood, could Michaela even carry a child? Although,Chari was in cahoots with Liunne, why wasn't this touched on? That moment with Bluebell and Sparkle? Oh, my, my, my! And, I think Bluebell is the next Archangel. Nalini keeps dropping hints about his power levels increasing. Naasir? Hmmmm, need to know more. I bet he purr's(: And Jeffrey? Raphael started to go have a chat with him when Ellie woke up. Raphael REALLY needs to carry thru on this. Jeffrey needs the smackdown! It should prove interesting to watch as Ellie deals with her "guard". Oh, and Keir! I'm so in love with him and I really want him to find his mate. Tasha's just a dog, but bet we see more from her.

Alice said...

Loved it! Please, please make the next book about Aodahn or Ilium, pretty please, they are my favourites.

Anonymous said...

The two angels were both tall, but Aodhan was perhaps an inch taller, and now his eyes locked with Illium's for a long, quiet moment before he lowered his head slightly. Illium raised his hand, the movement slow, hesitant....and then his fingers brushed Aodhan's cheek just below the cut that had almost sealed. The first ray of dawn kissed the tear that rolled down Illium's face, caressed the painful wonder on Aodhan's as he lifted his hand to clasp the wrist of his friend's hand.
That instant of contact, the power of it, stole her breath.
Then Illium smiled, said something that made Aodhan's lips curve-Elena thought it might've been "Welcome back, Sparkle"-and they were separating to sweep off the Tower in a symphony of wild silver blue and heartbreaking light.
"Raphael," she whispered, having felt him come up behind her. "Did you see?"
"Yes." His hand on her nape, his thumb brushing over her pulse. "Of course it would be Illium who reached him," he murmured.”

I ship this. But then, Singh did say she'd write a book for each of them, so crushed hopes?

Anonymous said...

From Facebook questions and answers from Nalini, next book will not be Illium, Aodhan or Venom. My guess it's Ash and Janvier with Naasir playing a big part in it! Nalini doesn't feel those 3 boys ready for their own story yet! There's lots more development to reveal before they have enough for a feature book on their own, I totally agree with her on that! I've always thought Sorrow and Venom would be a couple but apparently not! She doesn't feel Sorrow is right for Venom. The next Archangel is not Illium! We haven't met this angel yet! Raphael was youngest archangel in history and he was a century old before that happened! Illium only half century old! No bubba for our favorite couple for while yet, Elena still too young! Too much to sort out personally and still growing into her role as consort. Tasha will be round for while, must admit she's great for all those dry humor from Raphael and Elena lol! Jeffrey and Raphael will not meet for while yet, too volatile for our archangel, can't trust that he wouldn't kill the bugger! Hope that answers some of your questions Alice and Tess!

Shinai said...

Everything I wanted to say about Arachangel’s Legion has already been said. (Read Elle’s review in 3rd place at the top. Is she like a blogger or something? Anyone know? I really liked it).

But I have to ask this:

Guys? Does anyone else think the Refuge is in Australia? Think about all the territories and which Archangel rules them. Australia usually gets ignored, but it’s completely massive. And Nalini is from NZ so I don’t think she’d ignore such a nearby place.

OPINIONS WANTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OPINIONS WANTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OPINIONS WANTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OPINIONS WANTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OPINIONS WANTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LouisianaSusan said...

Ms. Singh - when oh when will we get a story about Ashwini and Janvier? The teases in this book were great but I'm greedy and WANT MORE! I'm really curious to see Janvier me a sexy nurse lol.


Chantal said...

Shinai- she said Aastad controls Australia, but never mentioned NZ...

Loved, adored, am ADDICTED to this book! Rereading again after just having reread the whole series! My favorite part was when Raphael was scandalized by Elena's lack of underwear during the consort meeting! I blushed for R and laughed for E!

Was disappointed though to find out through the Facebook chat that Iillium isn't the next Archangel, it would have been nice to see Raphael have a very strong ally. While I understand he is still young, I thought the cascade could have accelerated things, not to mention the very consistent strong hints that he's gaining power beyond his age.

I think I could see in a few more books Raphael and Elena having a child. While she is still young and birthrates are rare among angelkind, with all the deaths from the wars and the cascade going on, would it not make sense for the birth rate to increase? Add to the fact that the strength of their bond has shaped his own power...

I can't wait for more from you Nalini!! I haven't been able to read any other author but you since starting this series and Psy-changeling. You have such an amazing way of creating your worlds and characters that I find so much lack with other novels. While I hate waiting so long between books, you make it worth the wait every time!

Chantal said...

Also, who's on the cover of Angel's Flight? The way Jessamy is described looks like her, but she can't fly, so the picture makes no sense. And Nimra isn't described to look like her...

Anonymous said...

I am totally blown away by this book. I can't believe Nalini wrote TWO game changers this year for both of her series. I'm in awe.

I was totally blown away at the end when the Legion showed up, and I was glad to see some hints to how humans and vampires came into existence in this world. I hope the beginnings of humans and vampires are explored more thoroughly as the series progresses.

I also can't wait to discover through upcoming books what the meaning of "aeclari" is.

And that small acknowledgment Caliane gave Elena, coupled with how she finally asked Raphael about how they ended up together, makes me have some hope that Caliane and Elena will eventually develop a good relationship--providing, of course, that Caliane remains sane.

I loved the development of the alliances in this book, and I loved the political intrigue and buildup of battle strategy. I'd love to see Astaad and Mele come to visit Raphael and Elena, and I'd love to see more of Astaad and his concubines. With what we have seen in this book, I'm very intrigued by this archangel, and I hope to see more of the true person behind his secretive mask.

I loved the visit Elijah and Hannah made with Raphael and Elena, that was totally awesome.

My favourite scene in the book has to be when Aodhan and Ilium were playing "catch" angel style above the Hudson. I also loved the developments we saw with Elena's father Jeffrey and with Elena's sisters. I think they are going to--very, very slowly--find a way to come together again and be a family. At least, that's my hope.

Speaking of Elena's family, I have a strong suspicion that there is more to Elena's mother and her ancestry on her mother's side than meets the eye.

And that's all I have to say for now. So much happened in this book. Wow, I'm impressed.

P. S. I know it's hard to kill her, but I want Lijuan dead!!!!

lovehina154 said...

I cant wait to start reading the book. People might be mad at me for saying this but im... Not a fan kf elena and read the book for the other characters. Sorry everyone. Im more of a Michaela fan.

Anonymous said...

Finished AL and loved it, too!

This was truly a book of fear.

Beside the war with Lijuan we got a good glimpse of the individual fear of Elena, Raphael, Jeffrey, Aodhan and Evelyn.

Also I loved Raphael and Elena in this book. How they showed their love to each other, how their relationship had developed and how this changes them in their personality.

My most favorite moments were:
- Elena with Ransom on the motorcycle
- Montgomery and Eve (cookies:-))
- The game over the Hudson River
- Illium touching Aodhan
- Jeffrey touching Elena
and Naasir nipping on Elena.

Also I´m deeply in love with Montgomery:-).

And Tasha...

No, I don´t want a "cat fight" with Elena. - This would somehow cheapen both. Also Elena is consort; which put Tasha in a disadvantage. And the most important reason: Raphael have already a big ego. If there is someone who will put Tasha into her place, I would prefer Raphael. (So far he seems to enjoy their "dislike to each other" far too much. E.g. he point out the misbehavior of his mother, but Tasha`s acts are O.K. for him? Men! - Well, if nothing changes Elena could still give him a taste of his own medicine (E.g. a ex-lover in an official Tower-Guild meeting. - Not to make him jealous, but to give him a "taste" . I bet our Archangel would learn fast ).

Tasha`s assisting with shielding Elena. -I think this was either to please Raphael or because Elena is consort. I don`t think she did it because she respected Elena. It was more a logical decision. So, no "friendship" necessary between these two. It´s enough if they will get along; like Elena and Dmitri.

And if Tasha is as smart and experienced as she claims to be, she should see - at least after the dramatic end of AL - the special connection between Raphael and Elena. No, she is no threat .

Anonymous said...

For the avoidance of doubt, not happy, not happy at all. Why does Nalini do this to me? She gives us this brilliant book, that exceeds ridiculously high expectations, but leaves us with all these questions, that are going to kill me if I can't get answers to.

And as Nalini will be unable to write the ten books required to answer all my questions in one go, the only answer is that she needs to clone herself so she can write ten books at a time.

Thing I need to know:
- What were Janvier, Ash and Naasir doing in the city? OMG, this will be some story
- What was going on at the Refuge
- What is Aecleri?
- Need more info about the Legion, absolute genius
- Is Illium going to be the next member of the Cadre? What about Caliane? Is Michaela going to go Blood Born? Too many questions!!!

I loved this book because:
- The character of Eleana is so appealing, strong, compassionate, loyal intelligent, but it her warmth and compassion that gets me
- Raphael is coming into his own, I always loved this character, but there was a tiny part of my brain (that i managed to park but never get rid of) that questioned why Eleana with her character would fall for someone who was so hard, ruthless and on occasion cruel, I love how Nalini is addressing this in a way that most authors in this genre ignore.
- I also liked the way Tasha was treated, typical romance response, woman gets the weebles, big confrontation and all is good at the end. Nalini's response: Tasha comes on site and Eleana's response is "yeah, right" and bats her off. Brilliant

As I said at that start of this it is now killing me that it will be so long before the next book.

Nalini thanks for making my day, loved loved loved this book.


Anonymous said...

Love this series have already read it like 10 times. We have not yet seen the upcoming Archangel. Everyone seems to forget that Jason is older (I think) than Illium but don't believe either will reach Archangel status for at least another 500 years or so. I think at some point Jeffrey will wind up giving his life to protect either Elana or Eve. I just can't see Ash as a vampire not sure why though. Hmm just thought maybe Nassir and Sorrow that could be interesting. Grr next summer is so far away.

Anonymous said...

Just finish reading Archangel's Legion and I must say I have read other's post before reading the book itself and it really is a SPOILER. I already have hints on what the story will be but the story still took my breath away. As with alcohol, I still have a HUGE hangover. Indeed, the story is everything I ever hope for after a long wait for the GH series. The charaters have grown but they never root characters never change, a talent I admire with Nalini. Raphael is hot, hot, hot!!!I soooo love him and Elena. I agree with the other bloggers that there is more in Elena's past and her mother, and I believe with all the cliff hangers in this last one that there will be another, concluding book that will unravel all the mysteries and answer all our questions. Really, what is aecleri? seems everyone have no solid idea. And what of the legion's?why are they awaken by Raphael and Elena only? Will Lijuan ever die? And when will the rest of the Seven like my beloved Illium, Aodhan, Naasir and Venom have a story of their own. I cant help the images in my mind of the woman who will own Bluebell's heart. I have this crazy image of a bitchy angel (with a soft heart) that will annoy but at the same time intirgue him, the perfect opposite of his dead mortal lover.Also, I am really looking forward to a story about Sorrow and Venom (they have chemistry for crying out loud!). Also, a lot of questions have been answered but a hundred of new ones unfold. I am very interested on the origin of the mortal and vampires in the story and of the shifting of powers in the Cadre. And what of Michaela, Neha, and Favashi? Im kinda intrigue with Favashi though. Im getting out of breath here. I really am experiencing a hangover for devouring this book!It is indeed a must read and the best GH story yet.

serious2020 said...

Love this addition to the Guild Hunter series...as always. I'll be looking forward to learning more about the Legion as they continue to awaken; more about Naasir - what exactly is he anyway? Illium is developing new strengths; Honor is awake; also want to see more of Jason and his princess...and Raphael is developing more strengths - what about Elena? And is the newest Cascade going to affect the non angelic Guild Hunter's? October 2014 - what a long time to have to wait!

RobinZ said...

Michaela was trying to infiltrate Raphael's territory because she is with Charesmemnon. Uram's connection to her probably plays into it too, but it wasn't unrelated that she went in. Lijuan gave him the reborn to use and allied with him for the attack, probably Michaela's way of not having any blame in the attacks but really being a part of it.

Unknown said...

I think Elena's future power is not only to do with plants, but simply - life (as she constantly described as throughout the series.

I hope the next book stays with her and Raphael, though I enjoy reading about her developing friendship with Illium.

Anonymous said...

i think tasha is relatively unimportant in there only to show that Raphael considers her indifferently as someone from his past..and his thinking that
" no one will understand the depth of his love foe elena and elan's for him"says it all.it was just a minor twist..hopefully it will remain so...

and then there is elena's ??? power ... i agree with al of you here...there is a special connection between elena and her nurturing ability(only plants..?) lets wait and watch...
its obvious with her great heart and loyalty and courage ... she will go places..in terms of greatness at least(so predicts her archangel)...archangels shadows shows a bit more into her ability to bond(??) with plants and nurture it..also there is the wildfire(their love and oneness..??)
and the legion(their love and oneness,his power,her heart..???)

by archangels shadows Caliane has understood the strength Elena brings to Raphael..the sanity and gentleness..the joy in him that she brings forward...and has learnt to tolerate elena..even respect her(bravery and loyalty) i think...
hopefully she will soften more...

raphaels bond with the seven.elenas with her friends is beautiful.so is her relationship with her sisters...

her growing bonds to the seven..their increasing liking and admiration towards her..all are very touching...

all in all i just love this series...

Anonymous said...

and no more tasha please..no friendship between raphaels exes and ellie..god thats just asking for too much..please dont introduce such ideas....
let them remain in obscurity..and let tasha remain in her insignificance..(to make the point that NO ONE IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE CAN EVER COMPARE TO HIS GUILDHUNTER AND NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND THE DEPTH OF HIS ELENAS RELATIOSHIP)
raphael and elenas possessiveness of each other is a thing of beauty..the love and trust and oneness is beautiful...

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