Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Updates and Morocco: Mosaics

Sorry for disappearing on you everyone! I'm back in NZ now, and getting myself sorted out after the trip - my suitcases have exploded in the living room. I clearly need a put-away-luggage-stuff fairy. =)

Onto the updates:

While on book tour, I promised I'd talk about who the next Psy-Changeling book will be about, in July - I was planning to do it next week, but I think I should be able to put something together tomorrow. It'll just be info about the hero at this stage, not an excerpt for the new book, as I'm in the very early stages of writing it.

Also, the next newsletter will go out July 9th, so if you haven't subscribed, you can do so on the sidebar of the blog, or on the front page of the website (top right). The Welcome newsletter you'll receive automatically once you click the link sent to your email to confirm your subscription, contains the first two short stories I sent out in the newsletter: Poker Night (Psy-Changeling), & Knives and Sheaths (Guild Hunter).

In 2014 news, I'll be attending the RT Convention in New Orleans, May 14th-18th. I will also be at the LoveLetter Convention in Berlin, May 24-25th.

And last but not least, some more photos from the trip! There are some astonishingly beautiful mosaics in the buildings in Morocco. Here are a few photos focusing on mosaics/pottery, all taken with permission.

 Two of the artisans in the pottery/mosaic workshop we visited. At this stage, all the pottery is "raw", unglazed.

 Specialist artisans chipping pieces of pottery into tiny specific shapes that will eventually be used to form mosaics.

 An artist hand-painting one of the pieces of pottery.

A few of the finished painted pottery pieces - some include metallic embellishments.

Examples of finished mosaic work in the showroom attached to the workshop.


Diane said...

Looking forward to the blurb...what amazing works of art!!! You must have picked up a few souvenirs!!!

library addict said...

Those are beautiful. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Looking forward to the big reveal.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos Nalini. I hope you bought a bowl to bring home with you - they look beautiful!

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