Monday, March 11, 2013

UK & Commonwealth: Angels' Blood Special Price

This is for UK & Commonwealth readers (North American readers, see note below). 

My UK publisher is running a limited-time promotional price on the ebook of "Angels' Blood". 

If you're in the UK, it's currently £1.99 on KindleUK and on Ibooks.

If you're in Australia and New Zealand, the price has dropped to $4.99. That price is available from Ibooks and Kobo.

International readers: If you usually buy the UK ebooks (with black covers for the Psy-Ch series and the tattoo covers for the GH series), you should be able to buy "Angels' Blood" at this price.

If it's showing up at the promotional price at another outlet, let us know in the comments. And spread the news to anyone you think might enjoy the series! Or if you haven't tried the series yet, here's your chance. :-)

Note: Apologies to those of you in North America. I have different publishers in different regions and they don't always run specials or promos at the same time. There is something cool in the works for you guys too (and totally different from this special), but as with this promo, I'll likely not be given the okay to announce it until it's actually live, which won't be for a couple of months yet, so just keep an eye on the blog.

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!


Anonymous said...

Very frustrating to see ebooks on sale in one country but not another. All too often I have seen an electronic book go on sale for 99 cents in the US and the price of the same book rise $3.00 that day on Kobo Canada's website (Why should I subsidize US sales prices).
Once your current contractually obligations are completed, please consider self publishing Nalini. Everyone would then be treated equally (and you would probably make a whole lot more money).

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know, I have just bought it for £1.99 from - Thank you!

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