Friday, February 15, 2013

ARCs, Audiobook Sale, Psy-Changeling Readalong, and Reading Romance!

So much goodness to share today!

My agent, Nephele Tempest, is giving away two ARCs of WILD INVITATION. The giveaway ends Monday, so enter quickly! Full details on her blog.

My audiobook publisher, Tantor, is having a 50% off sale in honor of Valentine's Day. The audio of WILD INVITATION is available for pre-order at the sale price in all formats available on the Tantor site (CD & MP3-CD). [Edited to add: I've been told that the sale will continue through February!]

The Psy-Changeling Readalong is in progress at Literary Escapism, with the discussion for SLAVE TO SENSATION posted today. (It does contain major spoilers, so I suggest not reading the post until you've read the book). If you've read the book, or would like to refresh yourself on it, swing by and join in the discussion!

And last, but not least, over on Twitter, we're discussing why we read romance. I said "Because no matter what, there is always hope".

What about you? Why do you read romance?


Shana S. said...

Because there's always a happily ever after. Also, for me, its a great escape from the everyday stress my job causes. Nothing like a great book to read in between emergency calls. : )

Liz C said...

It makes me happy, it's like a guarantee that no matter what happens to them, one way or another they will persevere, get through whatever obstacles have been thrown their way. Here I am assured that the characters in the book whether I identify with them or not, whether I come to love them or not will end up happy, will be assured of a love that comes from the soul and endures.

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