Wednesday, July 04, 2012

UK Cover: Archangel's Storm

Check it out!



Anonymous said...


Stephanie.P said...

I always love those covers, and I find myself wanting the tattoos!
It's a good thing I'm terriffied of needles or I'd be covered in art by now :-P

Stephanie.P said...

I always love those covers, and I find myself wanting the tattoos!
It's a good thing I'm terriffied of needles or I'd be covered in art by now :-P

Anonymous said...

Gotta say, this is one where I prefer the U.S. cover.

Bdua said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Have to say I buy the American covers. Hate these ones. They don't really represent the book, especially Dmitri's one!!!!!!! How does a naked lady with tattooed wings represent a male vampire???? No thought obviously went into that one or this one. Why not a male with a tattoo on his back? Much prefer the American covers, they are fantastic. Like the British covers for the Changelings, although because there were only US covers to begin with, I am continuing to get them :D Sorry if I've gone off on one, but Nalini is my favourite author and I hate that I hate the covers of these books. :(

Sofia said...

As a UK reader Nalini, I got to tell you that I HATE the covers for both the Psy/Changeling and the Guild Hunter novels..They are really dull and unimaginative! Take the latest ToN covers and compare the 2, one is bland and dull with an average looking sepia toned guy with the claw marks on his face (which by the way have nothing to do with the Snow Dancers themselves, but rather these are Lucas’s marks from the Dark River pack?!) versus the rich and evocative and sensual US/Canada cover...

And again I feel that the UK readers are being short-changed with the 'bleh' cover of Archangel's Storm v the USA cover. Can you please have a word with the publishing house and tell them to pull their finger out???

Love the content Nalini, but hate the UK covers...just saying is all


Anonymous said...

I for one really like the UK covers for both series and prefer them to the US covers. I'll admit that if the American cover was the one sitting in the charity shop I wouldn't have picked it up as the novels I read are dark and mysterious which the covers in the UK portray to me.

Saiqa said...

I love the cover. And like alot of women I find it easier to buy these covers at the bookstore as most people are very judgemental when they see you buying a book with a shirtless guy on the cover.

Dallas said...

Two feathers + what look like two very large white bird droppings = angels pooping in flight. Not a good look for a Guild Hunter cover, IMHO.

Jazi Wanders said...

I think the uk covers are beautiful! They're different from other books :)

Buffy said...

I have to say that I disagree with the people who say that these covers are dull. I prefer them to the the U.S. ones. They're the ones I buy. :)

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