Friday, December 31, 2010

Friday Book Club

It's time for the final book club post of 2010! What are you reading and enjoying at the moment?

Happy New Year everyone!


Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini,

I'm reading Beyond the Rain, by Jess Granger which was recommended by your good self, I'm really enjoying it.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you Nalini for all your hard work on the blog, it's become part of my daily routine to read the posts. Many authors do not communicate with their readers or even bother to update their web pages which I feel gives the feeling of indifference to our experience. However I have felt involved in the whole process of the writing of your books which is really special.

thank you so much for creating some of the most amazing books I've read, and which have become as integral to my comfort as nice warm PJ's

wishing you love and peace for 2011
Tracey in the UK

Book Chatter Cath said...

just bought a stack of books today so am spoilt for choice :0
I do have 'Blaze of Memory' on my night stand so I think that will make great NY's eve reading:)
Hope you have a great NY ♥
Cath in NZ

shiloh walker said...

Ugh. edits. ebil, ebil edits. And Maya Banks' Hidden Away *G* which isn't ebil at all.

Finished Linda Howard's Raintree:Inferno last night and enjoyed that a lot.

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I finished Brent Weeks Night Angel Trilogy. Now I`m reading Hornorè de Balzac`s Modeste Mignon and Laura Wright`s Eternal Hunger (I still think the breeding idea is adventurous.(...) Especially the scene in Ethan`s three-story townhouse let me, for a few seconds, worry what will come next... *g*. Now I´m on page 226 and I´ve to admit, that I really enjoy it. I love her vampire brothers!)

@shiloh walker: I enjoyed the Raintree Trilogy, too.

Happy New Year 2011!

Natasha said...

I recently finished Scandal by Amanda Quick. Enjoyed it a lot!
Currently reading Love in the Afternoon by Lisa Kleypas. It's the last book in the Hathaway series. I don't want the series to end! I love the Hathaways!

lacrima said...

I've been reading the freakangels webcomic. With Girl Genius, that's the second webcomic I really enjoyed.

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

I'm rereading Jill Paton Walsh's Thrones, Dominations, which is a continuation of Dorothy L. Sayers' Lord Peter Wimsey series, and is great fun. I just finished Jayne Ann Krentz's new book In Too Deep, which I enjoyed. Looking forward to a long weekend to delve into my huge to-be-read pile!

Thank you so much for your wonderful books and have a great New Year's Eve!!

Anonymous said...

DearMs Nalini,
thanks you very much for your wonderful books.I enjoy reading your blog.I wish you peaace and blessings and good health in this new year.

Also wishing all the readers a wonderful new year ahead.Peace you all.

Sherri L. said...

Happy New Year Everyone! I have a stack of books I got for Christmas I'm trying to work my way through. Right now I'm reading Christine Feehan's night game from her ghostwalker series.

shortyal2008 said...

Just finished The Duke's Night of Sin by Kathryn Caskie and now reading One Reckless Summer by Toni Blake and What a Gentleman Wants by Caroline Linden. Did read Enemy Within, which you recommended and enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next one!

Happy New Year!

silverdezz said...

I'm reading the Nine Kingdoms by Lynn Kurland

A very interesting book!

Lesley said...

I read The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook and Vicious Circle by Linda Robertson, both were fantastic so I'm keen to read more from both authors.

Happy new year to everyone!

Catherine said...

Undertow--Cherry Adair and just finished Ruthless Game by Christine Feehan

Anonymous said...

Your books, quite possibly, saved my life today! You see, I was supposed to get up early and go to a bridal shop to get a dressed sized for my friends wedding. However, I stayed up too late last night, rereading Caressed by Ice & then making a Hawke/Sienna banner for a website. Thus, I slept in today. When I finally got up, I couldn't go because it was pouring down raining and there was a tornado siren going off. While my house is okay, the area surrounding the bridal shop got hit by a tornado. Thus, if I had left earlier like I originally intended, I would have been in a tornado (and, as such, could have been injured, ect.)

Diane said...

Jayne An Krentz's In Too Deep

Anonymous said...

Helen G. says...

I am re-reading a favorite of mine... Autumn Dawn's No Words Alone. Its a futuristic lovespell book and those are rare to find. Kinda like Jess's Beyond the Rain. Both are keepers and I absolutely love the progression in this book it doesn't stop but is not all over the place either!! Its an AMAZING read!! Highly Recommend!!!

Take care everyone!! and Happy New Year!!!

Helen G.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini,

I am currently reading "The Magical Christmas Cat". I really enjoyed reading more about the Dark River Pack - cats and wolves are becoming my favourite pets :-)

Wishing you a very Happy New Year full of good ideas and plots for Dark River and the Guild Hunter!

Thank you for sharing them with us,
Sandra in Germany

Elspeth Cross said...

Santa brought me a ton of gift cards. My first trip to the bookstore netted me:
"Ruthless Game" by Christine Feehan
"Murder Rocks" by DD Barant
"Dead or Alive" by Tom Clancy
"Clean Kill" by Jack Coughlin
Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's omnibus.

But the peek at Hawke's book was my best present.

Ros said...

Just finished reading "Bear necessities: Halle Shifters Book 1" by Dana Marie Bell ... good book, similar to Shelly Laurenston shifters' books ...
Let me tell you I love your books ... especially the Psy/shapeshifters series ... just read the first chapter of Hawke's book ... too many months still to wait ...
Thank you for the wonderful reading hours you gave me till now and I hope you will give many more ...
Have a wonderful 2011
Rosário from Portugal

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assassin series. I think for those who like the Mercades Thompson series you'll like this one as well.

This is a girl who has had a tough past, grows up and is a self confident woman who can take care of herself. I can really appreciate the romance line. It is not your typical fall in love with the first guy the reader is introduced to. Check her out...I would give her a 4.25-4.5 rating. Happy reading and a Happy New Year.

Tina said...

I have been reading "what a dragon should know" by Shelly Laurenston. Good series of books, although I have to say I think the women are somewhat rude and over the top in these books. I love a strong, independent woman but the heroins in these books are often violent and not particulary warm. Just my opinion but still really good read

Erin E. said...

Happy New Year Nalini! Thank you so much for the KOS excerpt! I just finished Tekgrrl by AJ Menden, it was a fun take on superheros!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year, I've just finished reading Crown of crystal flame by C.L WIlson, On the edge and Magic bites by Ilona Andrews and am now anxiously waiting for Christine Feehan's Ruthless Game and Archangel's Consort ^^

Anna said...

I'm reading Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson by Mitch Albom. It's very touching.

orannia said...

I'm reading Ginn Hale's Lord of the White Hell (Volume II) and loving it!

All the best for 2011!

Nalini Singh said...

Thank you all for your good wishes. Here's to an awesome 2011 for all of us! :)

@Tracy - I'm so glad you're ok! We saw the terrible tornado damage on the news here.

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