Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Play of Passion Countdown Widget

Look! Pretty widget in sidebar! -->

Feel free to grab and repost on your blog, Facebook, LJ...wherever you want :-)

Thanks to Frauke at Croco Designs for the lovely work.


orannia said...

Ohhh, it is a pretty widget!

*starts redesigning blog*

kylie said...

Yes...so pretty!

Sherri L. said...

It's a cute little widget but it has too many days on it until the book comes out ;)

Anna said...

Very cool! I've added it to my sidebar. :)

Martha said...

I love it!!!!

Mo the monster said...

Oh thats a great widget!
Just added it to my sidebar of my blog :)

Tiona said...

I know, too many days!
Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Now we need one for Kiss of Snow, And Archangel's Consort!

Nalini Singh said...

Ask and you shall receive! The "Archangel's Consort" countdown widget is now up. I'll get one for "Kiss of Snow" once we have a cover :-)

Susan said...

Pretty widget that's taunting me. :)

Taryn Kincaid said...

Can't wait!

Lola said...

ohhhh pretty!
lola want to touch lmao

i love it but it has drove me into full stalker mood, i hope you realize what you have done to me Nalini its not pretty :L

Love lauren

Anonymous said...

Those widgets are unhealthy for me.

I just spent five minutes, in a trance, staring at it knowing that every second brings me closer to Raphael.

Am I the only one?

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