Monday, September 13, 2010

Play of Passion ARC Contest

This contest is now closed.

*Learning wolf secrets...*

If you'd like to go in the random draw to win the ARC of Play of Passion, just leave your name in the comments before 6pm, Sunday September 19th 2010, New Zealand time.

If you have a problem commenting, email your entry to naliniDOTassistantATgmailDOTcom
with "Play of Passion ARC Contest" in the subject line, and you'll be added to the draw.

Since this is an Advanced Review Copy, if you win, I'd ask that you please post a review somewhere before the release date (November 2nd) - on a blog, on Amazon, B&N,'s up to you, but it would be much appreciated if you'd post your thoughts somewhere. The contents of the review are, of course, totally up to you.

A note about the ARC - it's substantially the same as the final book, but since
ARCs are printed prior to the final round of edits, there are some errors in the text that aren't in the final book.

Also, make sure you leave some way for me to contact you, or check to see if you've won. I usually make an effort to track down winners, but because this is an ARC, if the winner does not contact me with their mailing address within 48 hours of their name being posted, I'll pick another name.

The fine print:
Contest is open internationally. One entry per household. No purchase necessary to enter. Winner will be chosen randomly using and his or her name posted on this blog on September 20th 2010.
Void where prohibited.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 470   Newer›   Newest»
Jen said...

AWESOME! Would love this!!!

Avril said...

Oh-em-gee! I cannot more chit-chatting, here's my name.

Avril Ashton
aviashnanama [at] yahoo [dot] com

Marnie said...

I love those Yellow ARC's. Please Enter me..... MarnieColette

marniecolette @ Gmail


Jenna Tighe said...

Ohh I am so excited for nov. 2nd!! It better hurry up soon.

Jenna M

email: jtmulready(at)gmail(DOT)com


Anonymous said...

Great contest, would love to win!

Georgia Wade

Unknown said...

I cant wait to read this book. Please enter me in the contest.
Stephanie C.

Nita said...

Yes Please!!!

Nita Gill

Elspeth Cross said...

I desperately need this! I got a girl at work hooked on your Psi-Changeling series and she's already 5 books in! I'm running out of stuff to lend her.

elspethcross @

Steph said...

I can't wait to read it!! :P

Anonymous said...

thanks for this great contest,
my name is bea aka cheesebk and you can reach me under

Jessica A said...

Would love love love to be entered!!

Jessica A

CandaceB said...

Please enter me in the contest. Thank you.

Cotty said...

Not given up trying to win an ARC yet- just hoping I have more luck here than previously on Ilona s! Love the psy changeling series ! X

Vic said...

I'd love to get an early copy of this book. Read excerpt for it and am now impatiently waiting for the time I can get it in my grubby little hands! Just did a series re-read in prep. Thanks for this opportunity!

Any word if these books will be released in audio? I have the Angel Guild series in book and audio and was curious. I apologize if the news is on the site and I missed it.

Thanks again!

Lizzielvr said...

Count me in please...


sgalley65 at

Mina Wolf said...

Would love a chance to win!

jadewolff(@)gmail (dot) com

Lindlee said...

I can't believe how jealous I am of a little stuffed animal. LOL

Yes, count me in! I want that ARC!!


Kim Zielke said...

AWESOME! I love this series!!! It's one of the few I've talked my husband into letting me buy without consulting him. (If I had my way I'd buy ALL the books I want to read...and I want to read A LOT). Count me in for the ARC.

Kim Zielke: k(dot)zielke(AT)gmail(dot)com.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to have a chance to win an ARC. (syaffolee[at]

Tiona said...

Oh, this is a great contest, Nalini!
Pick me, pretty please!

Regina said...

Thanks for the opportunity

I`m in!



Lola said...

Oh wow i would love to win :)

my name is Lauren Curry
please please PLEASE e-mail me at


thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Rachel O' Connor

Heres my email:

Love all your books Nalini!!!:)

Ayla said...

wow, so many comments. i'd like to be entered to win

Twimom227 said...

Thank you for this chance!!


Anonymous said...

Great Contest.

Can't wait for PoP so...


whitewolfreads said...

I'm very exited! Thank you!

spettolij AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Heather Swanson!!!

Lessa said...

Please, count me in! The Name is Valeska. All the best! (csag5036[@]uibk[dot]ac[dot]at)

Tanya H. said...

This is a great idea. I love ARC contests:)

Tanya H.


Please enter me too!

Meg B said...

I want. Please.

M. Babbit

Anonymous said...

Me wantz! Me wantz! Love this series. Can't wait!

My name is:- Danielle
My email is:-

Unknown said...

Please count me in!!!!!!

Tracy said...

Holy Mackeral! 233 comments so far! That's awesome!

Please enter me in.
redneyrae AT ca DOT rr DOT com

Lisa Craig said...

Thanks Nalini.. I'm dying to read this book! :)

Email is lisadz(at)gmail(dot)com

Jennifer T said...

I love your books.

Jennifer T


tetewa said...

I'd like to be included! Teresa W.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me, too!

Sarah Cody
cody.sarah (at) yahoo (dot)com

Pam said...

I can't wait for this book!!!

Pam Fredrick

Cristina P said...

I love your books! Can't wait for the next one, especially since it is a psy-changelings one - matches between changelings are my favourites (like mercy and riley :D, whose book i am reading again now).

So, please count me in!

My email :

Lisa N. said...

I can't wait to read Indigo's story, so I'd love to win! Thanks for the contest!!

rocket_kay at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Please enter me (Ginny)!

Morgan said...



Danielle said...

I would love to win this book!!! Fingers are crossed until the winner is announced.
Danielle (

Anonymous said...

Hope I win :D
Lea Facey

Anonymous said...

Consider me entered. If I won, I would happily review it all over the place since I'm sure I will LOVE it.

Victoria said...

Pick Me!

Victoria Bonelli


Ingrid R said...

Would love to win...Count me in!

(Crossing fingers and


Diane P said...

Yes please enter my name.

readerdiane (at) gmail (dot) com

Jocelyn said...

Thanks for this awesomesauce contest! I'd love to read the ARC and review it.

Jocelyn said...

I'd love to read the ARC! (and review it, of course)

Eva / TXBookjunkie said...

What a cutie! I hope he picked up many wolf secrets. :)

Count me in please.

txbookjunkie at gmail dot com

myrandaroyann said...

I'd love to win an ARC of Play of Passion! My email is linked to my account, but I'll leave it anyway just to be safe. ;)
Myranda H
myrandaroyann [at] gmail [dot] com

myrandaroyann said...

I'd love to win a copy of Play of Passion!
My info:
Myranda H
myrandaroyann [at] gmail [dot] com

(Sorry if this is a duplicate post.)

Treca said...

Oh I would love to win this ARC. It would be a wonderful addition to my book collection.

Rebecca Bucklin

Thank you for the opportunity to win it!

Erin Kendall said...

So cool!!!!



ellepaulette said...

I love anything you write!! :)

Dani Chapman


Andi Swanson said...

Can not wait for this book to come out! Hope I win :')

Jen Dempsey said...

Ooh, I'd love love LOVE the ARC-- I keep checking the calendar to see if the date is any closer yet... from a few hours before. ;-)

~ Jen D.

Kristin B. Sullivan said...

I would love an ARC. I am obsessed with this series. Thank god for ebooks, I've worn out so many paperback copies. Can't wait for this and all the future installments.

Kristin Sullivan

Kris H. said...

Can't wait to read this book!!

Anonymous said...

Gwen Diaz
e-mail: diaz.gwen[at]gmail[dot]com

Sherri L. said...

I would love to get this book. It is such a great series. Sherri L.

Christina said...

It would be nice to win, but I would probably still buy one just to have one with a cover to add to my collection ;)

jenn said...

Thanks for running this contest. I love the Psy~Changeling books.


jennifer (dot) thorburn (at) hotmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Me, me, me, me!
Angelica A
nclopez at verizon dot net

Anonymous said...

I would love to win Play of Passion! Can't wait to find out what kind of trouble Indigo and Drew get into! =)
Nikki OverKamp

Nikki said...

Pick me! =) I love the Psy-Changlings!
Nikki OverKamp

lamlovestoread said...

I so can not wait for this book. I started your series late but caught up quickly and desperately waiting for the next installment.

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

I'd love to get my hands on this book early!
Karen J.

Anonymous said...

I love all of your books, that are amazing!

Danielle Bull

Julia said...

It's awesome of you to post this ARC, thanks for the give away!

I can be reached at Julia(dot)Payne(at)gmail(dot)com, so I think you can guess my name :-)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this one.


Anonymous said...

Let's try that again with an email address !!!!


Unknown said...

I can't wait to read this book!! So excited.

Contact Info:

Unknown said...

Please enter me in the contest... :)

Justine said...

Justine Rychlik


Anonymous said...

Jane Mitch


Lynnette said...

I would so love to win this. I can't wait for it. Please pick me.

Erika said...

Pick me pick me! :)

Erika R

Anonymous said...

Helen G. says.......

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to win!!!!!!!!!!

I would most definitely post on my facebook and on my boss's, since she has a site for her bookstore as well and that way I will let all my friends know and my customers too!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's my email:

Thanks again Nalini!!!

Helen G.

Unknown said...

Pick me!! Theresa Irving

Annie said...

Best thing ever if I win because my birthday is on September 20th! It would be the best present EVER!

Annie said...

I would love to win this especially since my birthday is on the 20th! Best present ever!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love the Psy would LOVE to win the ARC!!

my email

Emily Smith said...

Emily Smith

Emily Smith said...

Emily Smith

Alilas said...

Me too!!!

Salila Robkob
olanla_alilas (at) (dot) com

ElenaA said...

I love this contest! I would LOVE to win! *drools* :D :D
my contact info is:(email)

love you Nalini <3


Jessica MD said...


Jessica MD

Bella@BeguileThySorrow said...

Cant wait to read it! And thanks for posting the widget, I put it in my sidebar tonight!! :D
~Bella Franco
bells DOT franco AT gmail DOT com

Farscapegirl said...

Shiny! Thanks for chance to win! I will gladly post a review at multiple websites... I'd love to get my hands on an ARC just because . . .it would feel like Christmas ;)

Anonymous said...

i can't wait for this book. I love Drew.

Anne-Christin Mook said...

Would love to read and review play of passion before the official release!

my email: A(dot)Mook(at)gmx(dot)net

Anonymous said...

Oh, sign me up!!

Megan Myers

Crossing my fingers and begging ^_^

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for November!

contact address:

Anonymous said...

Name: Neelum Iqbal
Email id:

I wish i win this contest.

StephB said...

I can't wait to read this!

Steph Burgis

Anonymous said...

Hello Nalini Singh,

I would love to get the advanced copy, although I'm from germany and don't know if i can add the contest.
No oroblem for me to write a review. I would love to read POP

My email address is

Have a nice day! Chrissy

Carolina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carolina said...

Thanks for great the opportunity!^^

Carolina Maradei

Laria said...

Thank you for having this contest!

zoe (dot) tham (at) gmail

jellybelly82158 said...

I would love to win this.

jellybelly82158 at gmail dot com

marywade23 said...

Love you books and I too think this is a great contest LOL.....

Name: Elaine McCloskey-Wade

Thanks for always thinking of your fans!
Elaine XXOO

Candy W. said...

I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed:)

GWOMAN said...

I can't wait for the next book or for Hawke's!! I am already re reading them!

Kathryn Lundy said...

I never win these, but here goes.

Kathryn Lundy

Two Cam Sam said...

Fun Contest - Please throw my name in


twocamsam(at )gmail(dot )com

Shannon said...

I sooooooo want this ARC, Nalini! Count me in!


Biki said...

Oooh! Count me in :)

chichai_hana at hotmail dot com

Stephy said...

Hi, fan from Malaysia. It take months for your books to arrive here. It would be great to win so that I can get a hand on your book early. No more waiting 4 months.

Anonymous said...

Enter me:-)

Melinda G.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to give it a whirl. :)

Unknown said...

I was going to write something witty and entertaining but I stayed up all night reading and I can't get my brain cells to fire.

Here's my name anyway

Nancy McGregor

Oh and if I certain person doesn't want Hawke, I'm available but just don't tell my husband.

Sugar said...

Oh, amazing! I would love the opportunity to read and review the ARC! If you are willing, I would post the review at Broad Universe, an international nonprofit organization dedicated towards promoting women in SF/F/H spec fiction.

Daniela said...

Please enter me :-)


Liz said...

I'd love to win a copy and a chance to write an early review.
-Liz Houston

Readsalot81 said...

Awesome! Would love to get my hands on it ;)!

Veronica B

~Jody said...

I can't wait for this book! Count me in please - it would be so awesome to win a copy!!

book_lover_girl said...

I would love to win your ARC!I love your Psy/Changeling series and am eagerly awaiting this next book. Thanks for the opportunity!

Ruthie R.

Athena said...

Please count me in for the contest

Ahena Vasiliki Vidinioti

not that I am going to win... but anyway

Ann said...

I'd love to enter and review the book. :)

lp703 said...

please let it be me :D I love ALL your books! My name is Lili Perez, e-mail:

lp703 said...

please let it be me :D I love ALL your books! My name is Lili Perez and my e-mail is:

Anonymous said...

Count me in!!! Counting down...

Nicole said...

Oh Me Me Me!! *waves arms like a crazy person*


My musings said...

I'd love to enter the contest! Will post it on my blog and Barnes and Noble website :)

Anonymous said...

Count me in, please!

vossjs said...

Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me! jumping up and down, waving hands madly in the air

vossjs at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

enter me please, thnx XOXO!

Kriszelle Oribello

tamara (Europe - NL) said...

Would love to win this.

becky Jean said...

I Can't WAIT for this book! Please count me in!

~becky jean

Terri T. said...

Love your books

Terri T.

Natascha said...

Natascha Fawthrop

Angela said...

Of Course would LOVE to get an ARC of Play of Passion and review it!

Angela H.

Sara said...

I'm so excited for this one; reading early would be even more exciting :D


Anonymous said...

Pick me! Pick me! I've never actually entered inan ARC contest before, here's to hoping I win! =)

Name is Ali!

Nikki The Leopord said...

Hey Here Is My NAME!!!
Nikki Frazier:)
Love This Contest.

Nikki The Leopord said...

Oopp's Forgot My Email
This Is Nikki Frazier Again...

lol Sorry

Lorna McLaren said...

AH! I CANNOT wait to read Play of Passion!!!...and am rather sadly desperate to read the excerpt/teaser chapter for Archangel's Consort!!! WHOOP!!!

Aaanyhoo please could you enter me in this fab comp...

Lorna McLaren

Take Care xxx

Anonymous said...

Count me in I would love to win....

Thanks Jeanne

Silvia said...

And from portugal Silvia Domingos


I can't wait to go back to this world.
Good luck to everyone

Princess_jime said...

Uwa! I want in too! My name's Jimena.

Email: jimesakura (at) hotmail (dot) com.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the ARC. Please put my name in!

Scrapper :-)

Anonymous said...

OMG WOOT!! *prays* Please enter me!!!

Nicole Wilkerson

Anonymous said...

Alexandra Bowker

Deadly Jane said...

Add me to the list & I will keep my fingers crossed!!! :)


marie3of3 said...

Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Heya I'd really like to read POP early.
Name's Helen Grubb
Thanks, i'm sure the books gonna be great can't wait.

Unknown said...

I love it when writers give their readers a chance at an ARC. You rock!

Oh and....

Me me me, pick me!!!!

*cough* I am done. :D

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read it

Delilah wolter

Zja Noir said...

Jacq C

obsidiantears83 at gmail

*crosses fingers* I can't wait to read it! :D

Unknown said...

Wow-I can only hope!! :)

Jennifer Butcher

Susan D. said...

With more than 350 entrants, my chances are very slim (wish my waist were as slim as my chances...)
Anyhoo, here goes:

Susan D.


Anonymous said...

IF you'd like?? Uh, yeah!

-Crystal Posey

Marq said...

I want! I want!


KourtTears said...

Enter me please!

Contact email --> greenmermaidtears[at]hotmail[dot]com


Unknown said...

*fingers crossed*


haharrison at gmail . com

Unknown said...

*fingers crossed*


haharrison at gmail [.] com

lp703 said...

please pick me :D Love all your books!
Name: Lilibeth Perez

Heather said...

Oh! So excited for this one! I'd love to be entered.

Heather S.


scribblegeek said...

Jen Godwin

Unknown said...

Oooh. I'd love a copy.

abwaxlax at gmail.

Thanks & my fingers are crossed!

Anonymous said...

Lisa Hiron (

fallenkitsune said...

*jumping up and down hyperly* I totally cant wait to read your next books and I'd love to enter the contest. I'm Tasha B. at

Vero H. said...

I would Love to win this

Lani Muir said...

I really can't wait for POP to come out....Please enter me too :)

Courtney said...

I am SO in! I haven't won a Nalini ARC contest since Caressed by Ice. Think my luck will come back?

Ana Rodriguez said...

Hi Nalini!

Thank you so much for the contest! Count me in! I'm crossing my fingers for this one. =D

Nancy Clark said...

Loved the excerpt! Can't wait!
Nancy Clark

alohahelper said...

Oooo, contest! Please enter my name: Linda Wong ==> waving from Hawaii!

KC said...

Love your work! Thanks for the opportunity. KC

Anna said...

PoP come to me. Me me me...mine mine mine!!!

Does the ARC have the AC excerpt? That would be a bonus!

Greedy Anna

triciab said...

I know my chances are slim but I am hopeful

qu3en8 said...

I'm so excited , I can barely wait until the release

Unknown said...

Celest Lin


Unknown said...

I buy all your books anyway, but these ARC contests are so much fun!

Pick me.... PLEASE!!!! (praying to the randomizer gods)


Jules said...

Please enter me. Love, love, love all your books!!!

hitherejules at gmail dot com

Jules said...

Please enter me. Love, love, love all your books!!!

hitherejules at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Pick me, pick me!!

Jess Gil said...

I cannot wait for this book!!


JessicaC said...

Thank you for this opportunity!!

Unknown said...

Great as always - can't wait!



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the contest! :)

I will check back for the draw.
I never win but I will check.


Mervi said...

Can't wait until the official publication date, so count me in this contest. Thank you!

Mervi Rissanen

Kalliaris said...

Please enter me in your contest since I can't wait to read Indigo's story!

Michelle Whitney

Jennifer said...

It would be awesome to win!

Jennifer C.

Jess McAlister said...


Please add me to the list, I would love an ARC :)


minah-noona said...

Ooooh count me in too!


Thanks! :)

julieann37 said...

Please,please enter me....
My Name is Julie brown

Can't wait for this book to release...

Valerie S. said...

Wow, Nalini!
What a great opportunity!

I'm soooooo excited with this book, you teased us left and right and now, I can't wait for its release!

Count me in the contest. I hope I'll win for a change *sigh*...
Well, if not, there's always the next one for Archangel's Consort or Kiss of Snow!

Valerie S.

Korri said...

ooooh! I hope I win! :)

Unknown said...

Hoping I win this


CY said...

I would love to win this book!

My name is
CY Boon


Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini,
I would love to win this contest!! Love your books and can hardly wait for the next!!
My name is Doro and my email address is:

Anonymous said...

I love love love your stories.


Manders said...

Amanda Trower

So looking forward to reading this.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a chance to win!!!

Pam B

Leslee said...

Would love to win but I know it is a long shot. :)

Leslee Nevill

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