Thursday, September 16, 2010

Guest Author: Jaci Burton

Winner: The random numbers have spoken and the winner of Jaci's giveaway is Chelsea B! Congratulations! Please email me at nalinisinghwritesATgmailDOTcom so I can pass your details onto Jaci.

I'm so delighted to have Jaci back on the blog, talking about her smoking hot Wild Riders! Please give her a warm welcome everyone!

Jaci Burton on her Wild Riders

First, I want to thank Nalini for letting me guest blog. My first thought was…hey, let’s all talk about Nalini’s books. I could talk for hours about Nalini’s books. I could fill up my entire blog post, in fact, talking about my love for Nalini’s Psy/Changeling series. It’s one of my top five all time favorite series ever. Nalini knows I stalk her for her books. It’s a love thing, really.

But I guess instead of waxing poetic about my love for all things Nalini, I should probably talk about my own
series, since that’s why Nalini asked me here. My Wild Riders series, specifically, since the 5th book in the series, RIDING THE NIGHT, released last Tuesday.

It’s no secret I have serious mad love for my bad boy bikers on Harleys. It’s also no secre
t that I don’t tend to write one and out kind of books. Even when I try to write a single title, I can’t help but give my main characters brothers or sisters or best friends, and those brothers and sisters or best friends can’t help but stick their noses in the book I’m writing, interfering with my main characters with their larger than life personalities, and coming up with some of their own back story and demanding that their own stories be told. And my Wild Riders? Well, those guys pop up in each others’ books all the time, and making them wait for their own books was nothing short of impossible. My guys don’t know the meaning of the word patience. But I can’t tell you how excited I am that the final book has been released.

I knew starting out that there would be six Wild Riders—Mac, Diaz, Spence, Rick, Pax and AJ. I figured I’d write six books. What I hadn’t figured was that Pax and AJ would end up in the same book, which meant there are only going to be five Wild Rider books. Best laid plans and all that. But after a few books in, I figured out that Pax and AJ shared their women, and then I thought, well, no problem. I’d just write AJ’s book, give him his happily ever after, then write Pax’s book.

Yeah, the guys weren’t having any of that. You see, Pax and AJ are best friends, and they decided that once they found the woman of their dreams—and notice I said ‘woman’, not ‘women’, that was going to be it for them. One woman forever for the both of them.

Sometimes characters don’t make it easy on a writer.

And then they had to go and choose a woman with a lot of issues. Okay, one big issue. And it was a difficult one for her to overcome.

Good thing she had a couple remarkable men on her side to help her out.

I hope you give Pax and AJ, and all my Wild Riders a try.

Can we talk
about Nalini now? ;-)

Talk to me about your favorite secondary characters in books you’ve read, and which ones you couldn’t wait for their books to come out.

I’d love to give away one of my Wild Rider backlist books. Winner’s choice—Riding The Night not included. Contest is open internationally.*

You can read about all my Wild Riders books here -

*Contest closes Monday 20th September 2010, midnight New Zealand time. Void where prohibited

N: This is not a Wild Riders book but I couldn't resist posting the cover. No need to thank me *g*

The Perfect Play releases in February 2011.


Diane said...

Love the cover of Perfect Play

Gossip Cowgirl said...

Also, HUGE fan of that cover for Perfect Play! :-)

Anonymous said...

I loved a character in Linda Howard's series about Wolf's family. The character was the one brother's daughter. She was the only girl amongst quite a few male cousins and was an absolute holy terror. Some of her antics absolutely cracked me up.

Right now, I'm reading "Branded by Fire" and have just met Mercy's 3 brothers. I'm really liking them and wondering if they will show up in future books.


Chudney Thomas said...

Absolutely love the cover of Perfect Play!

MARY said...

I Really Like That Cover For Perfect Play.

Fiona Mackintosh said...

I'm sorry, what was the question, I got distracted by the perfect play, :D

Favourite secondary characters - Lucivar in Anne Bishop's Dark Jewels series and Surreal

hmm ... Hawke in Nalini's series though he's about to become a primary :D :D :D ...

Jonas in Lora Leigh's Breeds series - though that bad boy just got his own story FINALLY told, LOL ...

Kate said...

Hi, I've not come across your books before - but I'm always happy to increase my list of author's whose writing I enjoy - particularly with Nalini's recommendation

Kate M

lauren hunt said...

hmm not sure where to enter in the contest but sign me up! Perfect Play has me wanting to read(;

My favorite secondary character is probably Illium from none other than Nalini Singhs Guild Hunter series. Something about ol' blue bell. And actually Im all to eager to learn about Aohdan(sp??) from Raphael's seven as well to learn why it is he doesnt like to be touched. HMMMMMM!!!

Rory G said...

BDB - I am looking forward to Blay's HEA.

Don't enter me I already own all your back list and just wanted to cheer for Perfect Play!

Mary Jo said...

I'm a huge Nalini fan, just have "Taken by Sin" tbr, but the Rider books sound really good, so I will have to read them.

Amanda said...

Picking a favorite secondary character is the same problem as always, Too many books...too many characters:
Guild Hunter (Nalini Singh): Illium
Psy/Changeling (Nalini Singh): Drew (only 47 more days) or Kaleb
Codename (Christina Skye):Izzy

Jennifer M (OR) said...

I love secondary characters. I'm eagerly awaiting pretty much every secondary character in Nalini's angels series. Also Wolfe form old Nicole Jordan historicals, though so much time has passed I don't think I'll ever get the conclusion on Wolfe.

Add me to the group that loves the cover of Perfect Play.

Scorpio M. said...

I recently read Elizabeth Hoyt's, Wicked Intentions and there are several secondary characters that I found very interesting: Winter, Charming Mickey & St. John. Hopefully, there will be more stories about them.

Catherine said...

Just finished Nauti and Wild-WOW, put the Nauti boys with the Wild Riders, mmmmmmmm!!
Secondary characters- yep, Illium's one of them. Always loved Noah Clayborne from Julie Garwood--he got the girl and his HEA
Can't leave out Jonas Wyatt and Hawke, both get their HEA's

Dino Rubio said...

Hmmm my favorite secondary character would have to be Dorian from Nalini's Psy/Changeling series and he has a book I am anxiously awaiting Hawke's book. :)

shortyal2008 said...

Like your books a ton! Loved the cover of Perfect Play!!

Alicia Lovelace


Jennifer K. said...

Great cover, Jaci. And the insides of your books are just as good!

I'm eagerly awaiting Hawke's story, from Nalini. He captured my attention from the first moment he strode into Slave to Sensation.

Tolouse said...

Hmm, lets see:

Sherrilyn Kenyon's darkhunters: Savitar, you gotta love the omnipotent surferdude.

G.A Aiken's dragon series: Eibhear and Izzy, (and Ragnar's cousins).

Nalini Singh's angels: Aobhan (not sure about the spelling), I just can't wait to learn more about this one.

lia said...

Secondary characters that I've always wanted to know more about:

from Nalini Singh's psy/changeling: Sienna (always been one of my favs), Vasic

from Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniel's series: Derek... (used to be in love with Andrea, but she kinda got her own story)

from Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assassin: Finn! and Sophie!

Fiona Mackintosh said...

@ Rachel - I think that little girl's name was Nick wasn't it ... and yes she was a hoot especially when Uncle Chance would try to get her to say his name "properly" and she insisted that he had his name wrong and that it was actually Dance

Anne-Christin Mook said...

the cover for Perfect Play is just georgeous. Made me immediately put it on my wish list.

In Nalini's Psy/Changeling series I really love Hawke, so I can't wait for his book to come out. Same goes for Drew.

jeanette8042 said...

I love so many secondary characters in Nalini Singh's Psy/Changeling series, especially Tamsyn's cubs and Hawke. I can't wait to read Hawke's book, which releases next year!

Lani Muir said...

Wow I was really distracted by the Perfect Play cover...

Secondary characters really make a book complete...some of my favourites are Illium (NS's guild hunter series) and Hawke (cannot wait for his book next year). I'm also anxiously waiting for Tohrment's book and Qhuinn & Blay's story from JR Ward..oh and also Sterling Chase from Lara Adrian. *sigh* there are so many :)

Simone H said...

One of my favourite series is the black dagger brotherhood by JR Ward, and I can't wait for Blay's story.
Hawke of course is another charchter that I can't wait to read the story of in Nalini's psy/changling series.
Sign me up for a backlist copy of your books, I have read some, but not in this series, so I think that i would enjoy it.
P.S. Love the cover of Perfect Play.

Anonymous said...

I fell in love with Faith Hunter's Jane Yellowrock series because the secondary characters as well as Jane are complex and the writing is fantastic.

Anny said...

My favorite secondary character will have to be Illium from Nalini Singh's Guild Hunter series.

BlueBell's jst done it for me, he is sooo adorable and esp with his flirting with elena... omg how can someone resist him :)

Jaci Burton said...

Hi everyone! *waves to Nalini*

Thanks again to Nalini for letting me guest blog here, and thanks to all of you for your comments!

And Nalini, thanks for posting The Perfect Play cover. He is kind of droolworthy, isn't he? :-D

Emma_I said...

Some of the secondary characters in ELizabeth Hoyts' latest intrigued me, and of course the Seven in Nalini's guildhunter series. Now I'm off to be distracted by the cover of the Perfect Play again.

Ina said...

I can't wait for Living Nightmare - it features the story of Nika and Madoc *dreaming*

thanks for a great post :)

CrystalGB said...

I love the cover to The Perfect Play.
My favorite secondary characters are usually the hero/heroine's best friend.

Marnie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marnie said...

I love Adam Black from KMM series and finally got his story. My current faves are Venom and Illium from Guild Hunters. I also want Jim to get his groove on with Dali in the Kate Daniels world.

Tiona said...

Oooh, who wouldn't be a big fan of that cover! Wow!
Sign me up! Sign me up!

Lindlee said...

From Lisa Kleypas' Hawthorne series, I fell in love with Leo from the first book. I was dying to read his book and see how he recovered from his fiance's death.

I actually downloaded Riding the Night on my Kindle last night, thanks to an email Amazon sent me (those dang emails. Telling me about interesting books and forcing me to spend more money. LOL). I would love to read the earlier books!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jaci,

Wow, those are some fantastic covers you've got there.

I just read an historical where towards the end, a highwayman popped up a few times and there was something very mysterious about him and he isn't all that he seems to be. I have the feeling the author will have a story about him...I do hope so.

in Germany

Florentina said...

It's wonderful that I always get new books I want to read when I run out of my old authors because I am faster reading than they are writing. And your book "Perfect Play" looks really interesting!

For the favorite secondary character: I would love to read a book with Illium in the main role!

felinewyvern said...

Glad you didn't resist - the cover of Perfect Play is worth looking at :D

Off the top of my head I can't think of any favourite secondary characters that haven't already had their own books or are about to.

Shai Williams said...

Love the cover of Perfect Play! Just where would I go to order one of them?

My favorite secondary character would be Surreal from Anne Bishop

Louisse A. said...

My favorite secondary character would have to be Illium from Nalini Singh's Guild Hunter series. :)


Chelsea B. said...

Hi, Jaci! Thanks for posting :-)
Right now I am reading Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark series, and I want ALL of her secondary characters to to get a book! LOL :-)

Mary Frazier said...

My Fav Would Have To Be.....

Ethan & Rachel In The Darkest Hour - By Maya Banks!!

My Others Are ....

Sascha & Lucas In Slave to Sensation - By Nalini Singh ( Of Course )

Anita & Micah In The Anita Blake Series.

Missy said...

I love the secondary characters in JD Robbs books, they add so much depth to the story. I also love Nalini's drool worthy cast in both series.

Anna said...

Your books look yummy! Your name comes up A LOT on other forums.

Secondary Characters
Lord Westcliff form Lisa Kleypas Wallflower series. He was also a recurring character in other books too. I couldn't wait for him to go down!

Sienna from Nalini's Psy/Changeling series. I'm very curious about her and am looking forward to her HEA no matter who it is.

Lanthe & Thronos from Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark series. Dying for that couples novella or novel.

Rusty in Maya Banks' Kelly series. I'm not even sure if she'll get a book but I do wonder if she'll wind up with one of the Kelly twins.

If I win I would love the first book in your Wild Rider series or whichever you choose to give. Thanks for reading through this whole blog!

Erika said...

I can't wait for Kit's story from Nalini's series, though I know that won't be happening anytime soon. I wonder if he'll find his mate before or after he becomes alpha.

Erin E. said...

Thanks for posting Jaci! I have not read any of your books, but will definitely look for them now! Would love to read/win one of your backlist!

My current favorite secondary characters are Nalini's Hawke (of course, can't wait for July!), Nix from Kresley Cole's IAD series, and Jim & Dali from Ilona Andrews.

The Perfect Play cover is just.....yummy....

Jaci Burton said...

Shaiha - The Perfect Play won't release until Feb of next year. So there will be much drooling over the cover until then. :-)

Lindlee - Darn that Amazon and their recommendations lol. Thank you for buying Riding The Night!

Thanks to everyone who has bought my books, and thanks for all the comments so far!

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

I would like to see Illium. Definitely!

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Favorite secondary couple? Well, I would probably have to go with Lucivar/Marian from the Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop - though this might be cheating since I fell in love with them from the short story in Dreams Made Flesh. =)

Ironically enough, I just stumbled across your books a couple weeks ago -- haven't had time to read any of 'em yet, but certainly was intrigued by the bad boy bikers on Harleys concept. Honestly, what's not to like? *drool*

Nicole said...

I recently found Jaci and I love love her writing!! I've been gobbling up everything I can get my hands on by her!


kalynnick said...

I loved all secondary characters from the Night Huntress Novel..and I was really happy Jeaniene Frost decide give some of them their own books.

booklover0226 said...

I have not read any books in the Wild Riders series; I look forward in starting it.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

Chris S. said...

Amun (Keeper of Secrets) by Gena Showalter - can't wait to read his book!

Unknown said...

I couldn't wait for Judd's story to come out, and now, I want Hawke's story. Another secondary character in much of the Dark-hunter series, Acheron, had me drooling for his story. Last but not least, Jo Beverly's Rothgar couldn't get his own book soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Wow.. so many secondary characters I want stories about... hmm, I'm excited to hear that Ilona Andrews is writing a story for Dali from the Kate Daniels series. I'd love it if Stefan from Patricia Brigg's Mercy Thompson series also got a book.. :)

Nalini Singh said...

Winner: The random numbers have spoken and the winner of Jaci's giveaway is Chelsea B!

Congratulations! Please email me at nalinisinghwritesATgmailDOTcom so I can pass your details onto Jaci. :)

Chelsea B. said...

Thanks so much! I sent my info along :-)

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