Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Article & Fan Art

Check out this awesome article at about "Your Guiltiest Summer Reading Pleasures" by Sarah Wendell. You might see a book that looks familiar. *grin*


Here's another cool piece of fan art! It's the artist's take on Dorian.


Unknown said...

Cool picture!

orannia said...

Very clever photo!

*off to read the article*

Tynga said...

Very nice!

Ducky said...

That is so cool. He's really cute too.I know you must be really flattered Nalini.

Blodeuedd said...

Grrrrrr ;)

Vorpaks said...

I love the new genre name: "could-be-today-with-creepy-things"


The pic is awesome. Very smooth job!

Ina said...

wow, the photo is gorgeous!!! thanks for sharing!

Teena said...

I'm sorry but that just creeps me out. It's a good job of the photo but that's not how i see Dorian.

Christina said...

You could fill a beach bag with Singh's books and sit on the sand reading from now until September and it would be worth the sunburn.
So,so true! I would have to forgo the beach, I burn in 5 minutes :( but stack up Nalini's books! Best way to spend a week!

I personally love the photo manip. I have always been a fan of Paul Walker :)

Lola said...

OMG!! thats awesome i'm so please that you book got picked :D
and everything she said is totally true i would happily spend the whole summer reading your books
your new aim should be to make lots books to make that possible lol

and i like the fan art very creative :D

Anonymous said...

that's a cool picture

Bridget Locke said...

Ooooooooooooooohhhhhh...pretty! He's pretty anyway, though his voice drives me nuts. I'm talking the actor; not Dorian. heh

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