Monday, March 16, 2009

The Shadow Queen - Anne Bishop

If you haven't read Anne Bishop's Black Jewels trilogy, run to your nearest bookstore! It's dark, intense and utterly fantastic. In case it's not clear *g* I have no objectivity here - I'm a total fan, and I just love returning to the Black Jewels world - seeing familiar characters, learning what's going on in the world itself.

The Shadow Queen introduces us to a new queen, Cassidy, and a new circle of secondary characters, but we still get to see Daemon, Jaenelle, Luci
var and the others.

This book takes a deeper look at the consequences of what happens at
the end of the trilogy, so if you haven't read the series, I'd recommend starting with the very first book (Daughter of the Blood).

After hearing buzz that there was going to be a sequel to The Shadow Queen, I contacted Anne Bishop and learned that Shalador's Lady is set for a March 2010 release.

There are no big spoilers, but just in case, I've whited out the info below for those of you who haven't yet read The Shadow Queen. Select the text to make it visible (with your mouse, or by holding down the shift key plus the down arrow).

In Shalador's Lady:
"Cassidy has to face a rival Queen from her past in order to give Dena Nehele any hope of a future. So Cassidy, Gray, and Theran will be back, along with the SaDiablo family. And there will be Scelties. ::grin::"
I can't wait for this next book!

I know many of you also love this series. What are your favorite parts? Favorite characters?


orannia said...

I enjoyed The Shadow Queen! It was so nice to 'go back'. Hmmm... *trying to avoid spoilers*

I like seeing the aftermath and rebuilding of a society - it's fascinating. As for my favourite scene - it would probably have to be be the dinner at the Keep. Grey's questions.... :) And favourite character: Daemon (of course :)

Nalini - am right near the end of reading Angels' Blood (I had to put it down to go to work). The world building is amazing! And can I just say I LOVE Dimitri (and yes I voted for him in the poll!). Illium is interesting (I love the wings), but Dimitri is dark.....*grin*

Amy C said...

I haven't read The Shadow Queen yet. Anne Bishop had a singing here last weekend and there was only one copy available and I had said I would do a give away on my umm...that copy was mailed to some one else :(. BUT Anne is coming back on the 21st so I will get my signed copy then! No worries! LOL I am dying to read it.

Btw, Nalini, while I was talking with Anne, you were mentioned! THAT was so exciting to hear Anne Bishop say she reads and loves your psy/changeling books!

I love everything about Anne's books. All of them. She does awesome world building. The Black Jewels Trilogy are one of my most favorite set of books. I love the relationships that are formed between the characters. Daemon, Jaenelle, Saeten, Luciver, Prothvar, Andulvar...all of them are just amazingly done. I hardly ever reread but those three books I can't help but dive into once a year.

prajantr said...

I absolutely love Anne Bishop's stories. The Black Jewels Trilogy and related books are at the top of my forever favorites list.

Ladvarian is a long time favorite, but then I have a soft spot for Scelties since I have a Shetland Sheepdog as part of my own family.

Saetan, Daemon and Luciver are a powerful trio that captured my heart because of what drives them to do what they do and the code of honor they live by. Granted, I tend to fall for handsome men rather than beautiful men but Daemon holds a special place for some reason I just can't define.

Anne builds an incredible world.

Favorite parts from the original trilogy include when Saetan realizes just how many witches and warlords he has living with him for the summer, the way Lucivar and Marian meet, and the way Daemon and Jaenelle finally consummate their relationship.

Favorite parts from the Shadow Queen would probably be hands down dinner at the Keep between the SaDiablo family and Cassidy, Grey and Theran.

Tracy said...

I have it and will be reading it this week! Good to hear it's as wonderful as her other BJT books!

Una said...

I just heard about this series today from the lexicon I belong to. It looks great, I'll definitely check out the series. Thanks Nalini!

And thanks for everyone above's recommendation of it as well! I'm now quite eager to read it!

Blodeuedd said...

Havne't read it yet, but I stumble upon it everywhere...must put it on my wishlist :D

Anonymous said...

I've never rad any boks by Anne Bishop before... I know I think I've been living under a rock, because I've heard her name mentioned over the years by many of my favorite authors, and now your recommendation settles it; I need to check her out!

Nalini Singh said...

Orannia - I'm so glad you're enjoying AB!

Amy - that is so cool! Thanks for letting me know :)

Prajantr - Lucivar and Marian's novella is one of my all time favorites. I love that Eyerian.

Tracy - oooh, you have some good reading ahead of you :)

Una, Blodeuedd, Farscape_Girl - you have such a treat ahead of you!

Anonymous said...

I love this series! I was instantly hooked from the first book and it's taken me for one heck of a run since!

I haven't read The Shadow Queen yet (haven't seen it in my bookstores amazingly!) but I've been catching up with the back stories. I really enjoyed Dreams Made Flesh that gave a bit more insight of each character.

My favorite part: Surrel teaching Janelle how to kiss.

Favorite character: Daemon and Tersa

Anonymous said...

I am so excited to hear that Anne Bishop will continue on with the characters in "The Shadow Queen." This was a -- quieter -- book, but somehow as emotionally intensive as her previous books.

I have a thing for secondary characters, so I have to say that I really liked seeing Talon taken from "the Invisible Ring" into this new book.

BTW, have you read Sherwood Smith's "Inda" series? For some reason, I tend to think of that series and the Black Jewels as being somewhat alike, although the writing and plots are so very different. Maybe I just read them at the same time!

Tannun said...

Great Book!

I was mentioning to Anne the other day that one of the aspects I like best about her books is how she treated kindred.

Her animals may be intelligent and able to communicate, but they don't loose that 'otherness' that reminds you they ARE animals. Scelties training their humans? Yep, if dogs could talk they'd act just like this.

I suggested Robin D. Owen's Heartmate(Celta) series to her as another great series with endearing animal companions.

Which is funny, because I think Robin's books, The Dark Hunter series by Jayne Castle, and you're Psy-Changeling books are the only futuristic psy books out there. At least I can't find any comparable.

Sort of a seven degrees to Psy-Changelings :)

Anne Bishop - Robin Owens - Nalini Singh. Nice club to be in. Three of the absolute best writers out there!

Anonymous said...

I carried the omnibus edition of the trilogy in my purse for a week just in case I found even a minute to devote to it. (Talk about a sore shoulder!) I was in love/hooked from page one!

While I love Daemon and Sataen, my favorite is Lucivar. From the first time we met him, he just tugged at me. But, really, all was settled in Tangled Webs when this happened:

“The worst is still to come,” the boy said.
“No,” Lucivar replied, walking right through the illusion. “I’m here now.”

I just love an Eyrien who knows exactly how dangerous he is. :)

Chez said...

I remember finding the first book of this series at the library and then going mental over the weekend waiting for the library to re-open so I could get the other two books (at that time). Of course, then the second book was out on loan and I raced madly around all the bookshops looking for a copy of book two whilst the third was sitting on my bedside table tormenting me. I still to this day can't believe I held out and didn't read the ending. Took me three days to get a copy mailed from Melbourne and I nearly took up smoking again waiting. LOL

Now I'm doing the waiting thing again as I know this book is coming out in paperback on 1st April here in Australia and I want to match the other books I have that are paperback (sigh)

Anonymous said...

Loved that book The Shadow Queen was very good, I love seeing the old characters again. I also make a request to see more of Surreal she's my favorite. Which means I adored reading Tangled Webs. Oh, and Nalini Singh's Angels' Blood was freaking great, can't wait to read more from that series. Okay, I'm gonna shut up now.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me how surreal is realted to Satean, Lucivar and Daemon?

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