Thursday, February 26, 2009

Angels' Blood Countdown: Denise Rossetti - The Flame and the Shadow

Winner: The random winner of the Denise Rossetti giveaway is Lisa F! Lisa F, please email me at nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com.

5 days to the release of ANGELS' BLOOD! Here's what Romance Junkies had to say about Elena and Raphael's dangerous dance.
ANGELS' BLOOD is a fully nuanced and startling story from start to finish. Even as there are angels, vampires, and hunters, the focus of this story is on stellar characterization and world building. Nalini Singh should take a bow! ANGELS' BLOOD is going to leave you hungering for more instantly.
Woohoo! The celebration continues with a giveaway of a trade paperback edition of Denise Rossetti's The Flame and the Shadow.

Here's the blurb:

There cannot be one...without the other.

Some are drawn to the light. Some are drawn to the dark. Some desire both.

Grayson of Concordia, known on countless worlds as the Duke of Ombra, is a mercenary, a sorcerer of shadows - a man whose soul is consumed by darkness. For Gray, the bleak savagery in his heart is manifest in an entity he calls Shad. He has long resisted Shad's enticements, but when he is hired to kidnap a fire witch, he seizes the chance to restore his soul - no matter the cost.

Cenda's heart is ash. Since the death of her precious baby daughter, life has lost all meaning for the fire witch. Slowly, she has worked to master her powers and go on living. But when she encounters Gray, her will is no match for her desire, though her love may not survive the terrible discovery of Gray's plans.

I love that cover. You can read an excerpt on Denise's website!

Today's entry question comes from Allison:
Favorite setting/location for the hero/heroine to get all close and cuddly ;)


Darcy Jo said...

Hmm, I've never thought about this before. I'm not even sure how to answer it. It really depends on the type of characters I'm reading about, so I'm going to answer this a little differently. One thing I'm always happy with is when my hero and heroine show affection when they're around each other's friends or family.

Blodeuedd said...

It always makes sense when it happens so can't say i have a fav setting. I am going with the bed then, yes a good old a bed :)

Leontine said...

In a house, with many rooms, many options and loads of privacy to go all out in the wickedly wanton desires :D

Elisa said...

My dream setting: The Yellow Mountains in China where the pine trees, strange stones setting, unusual cloud formation and hot spring gives the mountain a mythical, other-world feel. There, hidden amongst the pines, the Hero and Heroine can conjure up their very own special magic unbeknownst to anyone, not even to the forest creatures that call the mountain, home. The carpeted woodland floor will be as soft as goose-down, and the air, warm and fresh. Bliss....

Amy C said...

Any setting usually works for me, providing it's done well.

And I LOVE LOVE The Flame and the Shadow!

Anonymous said...

For me it really depends on the book, and on the writer. If the writer writes well, it doesn't matter where the close and cuddly action ;-) takes place. In bed is always nice of course; in a mountain meadow during summer sounds good too!

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

I'm a sucker for outside the door of either's home. The anticipation at the end of a date, coming to the door, will they kiss? I love it when they barge in and get down to business.

I also, LOVE the chemistry in the most inappropriate times ie in a meeting or something of that effect. :) Too funny! But oh so HOT!


kim said...

Some place private. Beyond that it totally depends on the story and characters.

Meagan Hatfield said...

The bathroom, the stairs, kitchen table, up against a wall - basically anything that shows these two cannot wait to get their hands, lips, mouth, teeth and tongues all over each other. *grins*

*waves to Denise*

Angela said...

This is a difficult question (and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one it's difficult for) LOL.

Setting has to be appropriate to the characters and the story. Beyond that I'm not picky.

I'm fond of out-doors scenes though ;)

Amelie Markik said...

Hmm, I'm with a lot of the others - doesn't matter as long as it makes sense in the story. But I always like the times when they've been pretending that they're not interested in the other person or that they're strong enough to withstand their attraction, but then the other one gets injured and that's all it takes to break down that barrier - seeing the other person in pain and wanting to take that pain away. Then come the cuddles. :)

Anonymous said...

My dream setting would be a in front of a fire place on a warmed thick rug with lts of pillow piled up, and canles as a backdrop. I love a setting to be comfortable and toasty.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm with Jessica on this one...I love the tension before hand, then when they hit the door....before it even closes behind them,they are scrabbling to get their clothes off...whoohoo...hawt!!!


Marnie said...

Hmmm difficult question. It needs to be somewhere romantic and story appropriate. A nice warm comfy huge bed works too!

gawain said...

Not really a favorite as long as it makes sense within the story.

May said...

Anywhere the story takes them. I means if it suited to the story, it is OK with me.

Katie said...

I love rustic cabins with a nice fire and a thick rug in front of it.

That setting doesn't work for a lot of stories, but it is my favorite.

Christine M. said...

I'd say it always depends on who the MCs are.... Different characters with different personalities mean different favourite setting!

Erika Powell said...

i'm old school - keep that in the house!

Anonymous said...

Close and cuddly, it's different in every book, with every hero and heroine. So I guess it would just depend on the characters and the situation in which they are. In short, it could be everywhere!

Lizzielvr said...

Being in a forbidden situation, i.e. somewhere you could get caught...oh the excitement!

CrystalGB said...

I don't have a preference for setting. As long as the scenes are well written, I am happy.

azteclady said...

Well, now, what an interesting question!

The problem is... I don't really have *one* answer! *chuckle*

I mean, I just read a category by Olivia Gates where the first "on screen" (as it were) time is... against the bedroom door, and holy wow, but it was so excellent!

So.. yeah, not one answer to that one.

Unknown said...

Nice question I would go with on a meadow with a castle in the far background and the sun high above with a light ocean breeze.

Eva S said...

Any setting works for me, if it's a historical I love castles...
But out-door scenes are great too!

Anonymous said...

I don't really have a favorite place as long as it works in the story, I'm happy.

Anonymous said...

I've never really thought about a specific place. As long as it goes with the story, then its ok with me.

Lisa said...

I really don't have a favorite place as long as it flows and works with the story works for me.

Bridget Locke said...

Truthfully, the setting doesn't play a big part for me. It's the emotions and interactions of the hero/heroine. However, if I had to choose, it'd be in a bedroom with a huge bed so they'd have lots of room to play. :D

The Brunette Librarian said...

For some reason I like outside!

Una said...

Interesting question, I've never really thought about it. Sometimes the right atmosphere just occurs due to the circumstances. I love the outdoors so maybe I would be more partial to some sort of outdoor area, wooded and/or near a beach. Sunrise or sunset always seems to be a nice soothing/warm touch, the sky changing colors - not too bright.

donnas said...

Im not really picky as long as it goes with the story. Although a good bed with a fire while its snowing outside is always nice too.

Rebecca Chastain said...

As long as it makes sense for the characters, anywhere works.

Marg said...

I don't think I have a favourite setting. It's more about thecontext in terms of the relationship for me!

Anonymous said...

There are so many possible places! I think my favorite is the shower for those super "intimate" scenes. The most recent one I read was by Charlaine Harris with Sookie and Erik.

Spari said...

I don't really have one, the only thing needed is for the characters to have chemistry.

Jeanne Ryan said...

There is nothing better than a hot steamy shower, in reality or in books. hot tubs and pools are next.

I like water.

Shaymless Aymless said...

Any setting works. But am in favor of the shower/bath!

I agree with most here. Tension before really makes this work for me.

FD said...

There's something to be said about the comfort of a good bed. But if there's no bed around, I'm not picky. As long as nobody's in a danger of losing life and limb because the couple is getting too carried away with cuddling.

orannia said...

I like your answer LaRue :)

Hmmmm. I think for the first time, especially if it THE first time for one or both, (although perhaps I'm thinking too logistically) a bed...a big bed :) And if it's warm inside and raining outside, so much the better :)

MaryK said...

I've always been fond of enforced proximity, i.e. they're hiding in a broom closet and get distracted or have to share a hotel room.

MaryK said...

Sookie and Erik in the shower!?!

I have so got to catch up on that series!

twalls said...

This is simple...anywhere. I'm not picky.

All’sReads said...

I didn't realize this could be a difficult question, lol! I guess I have a clear picture of a cozy sofa or a bed piled high with pillows in front of a fireplace with the snow falling outside or the rain pattering on the windows/skylights.

VampFanGirl said...

Good question and not one that I've ever really thought about before.

Hmm...I can't say that I have a fave but I do trust the author to know what's the best place from my H/h to get it on! :)

Anonymous said...

I hadn't thought of that really... it just happens and fits in perfectly to the rest of the story... I guess that has to be the condition, no embarrassing moments for nothing and no ruining a perfect chance!

Anonymous said...

Well a bedroom is great, or a secluded garden or a woodland tryst! As long as their is privacy and they have time, it's all good.

Lisa F. said...

I guess it really depends on the story. I like to say a private setting, like a bedroom.

Anonymous said...

Any place at all, as long as it works ;)

Danni T said...

It doesn't really matter. As long as it works that's all that matters

Anonymous said...

I've always thought you can go wrong with bathtubs. The clothes are already off and there's no choice but to get close and cuddly in the tub!

LighthouseSandy said...

I'm a sucker for the Scottish Highlands. Anywhere there and I'm a happy camper.

jeanette8042 said...

I would have to say a cabin in the woods far away with privacy and peacefulness.

Unknown said...

The kitchen! But also, somewhere private after one of the main characters has gotten hurt (that's when the good stuff is always revealed).

Pam P said...

Anywhere works for me, the tension and chemistry is what I'm looking for, no matter where it happens. Though, I have liked the ambience of some that take place in pools in secluded caves in some paranormals.

Kytaira said...

Setting hasn't really been an issue for me. In fact I can't think of a single love scene where I said, WOW wasn't that a great setting.

Unknown said...

Bed, floor, couch, etc.

M. said...

snow and frozen lake outside, cozy cabin with wood fire inside always works for me

Orangebeaker said...

In front of the fireplace, on a sofa, with the TV on low. That's the best setting.

Asylumgirl said...

I like an exotic outdoor setting or a hallway, you know somewhere where they might get caught. LOL


Anonymous said...

Depends on the hero and heroine, depends on their mood, their intentions, their level of trust....

I must admit, whenever an author has their characters having sex outside, unless the author acknowledges it my mind will NOT stop ticking off all the improbabilities and potential discomfort in the situation.

JH said...

It really doesn't matter where if the story line makes you believe.

Shari C said...

I don't really have a favorite setting as so much depends on the type of characters involved and where they are and what they are doing so I am much more interested in how the love scenes are written than where they are taking place.

Unknown said...

I don't have a favorite setting as long as it flows with the story and the characters.

Pamk said...

whereever they wish too. I guess.

Unknown said...

The setting doesn't really matter to me, as long as it's hot!