Wednesday, June 11, 2008


A wee change to the blog - my posts will be going up early afternoon my time (so about 5 hours later than I used to put them up). Why the change? Productivity - I think diving straight into work in the morning really gets things going.

Morning person or night owl - what are you? What's your favorite time of day?


Anonymous said...

I'm definitely a night owl. I love sleeping in.

Jackie said...

I'm definitely a night owl too. I completed my fist novel when my three children were under the age of four. The only time I had to read and write (and complete a thought) was after they were down for the night. Our boys are 26 and our daughter is 28 now, but old habits die hard. Now they call me and ask me to mapquest wherever they're going in their cars, so they still interrupt my work.

Bridget Locke said...

I've always been a night owl, even when I was a kid. I can't seem to start functioning until about 2 in the afternoon. It sucks.

I can't wait to read Mercy's story. Very exciting! :) I can't wait to read them all, if I'm being perfectly honest. :D

Kati said...

Huh. I'm most productive between about 10 and 2. I need my first jolt of caffeine and then I'm good. But at the same time, I wilt in the late afternoon.

LOL! What does that make me?

Kati said...

Hey Nalini - We're talking Slave to Sensation over at RNTV today, come by if you can!

Barbarita V said...

I am more like a morning person. I like to start stuff early and be done by the middl eof the day if possible so I can enjoy the rest of the day without stress.

Anonymous said...

Helen Gonzalez says.....

Definetly a night owl I love to sleep in!! Totally agree with everyone how's everything going the new routine working out? Any hints??? hmmm??? Oh well that's ok I loved being teased as much as actually getting hints... it just builds up the excitement!! Hang in there everyone!!! LoL helenhikaru

little alys said...

Dusk and Dawn are my favorite times. Sometimes twilight. When the sky is heavily dark with that tiny bit of light filtering through making the world glow just a little. Everything softly quiety.

I'm a bit of both. Mornings are wonderful and so are nights. Just can't pull all nighters anymore. >_<

I need Mercy!!! Please, oh pretty please.

Pam P said...

Definitely a night owl, always have been, get more done then. Maybe that's why I like creatures of the night, lol.

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm obviously going against the grain...I'm a morning person. Even if I know I can sleep in I still wake up early and just doze. There is something about being up at dawn - everything is all crisp and new. The day holds such promise. And I especially love it when there isn't anyone else's just you and the world. Plus, I completely start fading by about 9 or 10 PM.

No worries about the change Nalini - now I have something to look forward too in the afternoon :) If I'm honest - you could post any time and I'd still hunt you down...oops, I mean visit :) And thank you for your kind wishes - my grandmother is home and OK.


PS Can I just say - everyone has gorgeous avatars today!

Shaymless Aymless said...

Oh Night Owl for sure. I am way more likely to see the sunrise and go to bed then wake see the sunrise.

Glad your back! Was starting to have Nalini withdrawal! ^_^

Ashley said...

I'm definetly a night owl. I always wrote my papers at night because I felt that my "desperation" to finish those papers really helped me stay focused. In the morning, I'm next to useless. :p

I do enjoy doing yoga early in the morning tho. The fact I can wake up early to exercise is a mystery in itself.

Nalini Singh said...

Lots of night-owls! I think I fluctuate. Sometimes night, sometimes morning.

azteclady said...

What you said, Nalini... it really depends on a lot of other things going on. Right now, night owl. Ask me in a few months, and the answer will likely be different.

Anonymous said...

I`m a both. During the work week I`m a morning person. (Wake up at 05:30 Am and start to work at 06:30Am).
But at the weekend I prefer to be a night owl.


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