Monday, January 21, 2008

Riding Wild - Jaci Burton

I've never really been into bikes and cars, but Jaci Burton makes me want to hunt up a Harley riding hunk and head out into the sunset.

Here's a snippet from the book's blurb (you can read the full blurb plus an excerpt on Jaci's website):
He's a Harley-riding ex-thief working undercover for the government. She's a gun-toting ex-socialite hired to protect a valuable museum exhibit. But in her attempt to stop a heist, she never anticipated having her breath and her heart stolen...
The hero and heroine, Mac and Lily, have a definite history, and from the first instant they meet again, their relationship is explosive. These two sizzle together, but more than that, they work as a couple. I think that's what sets Jaci's books apart for me - they're erotic, but the romance comes through loud and clear. It's about who Mac and Lily are together.

There's also an action/suspense plot tied to the heist, and to Mac's kidnapping of Lily. During all the craziness, Lily holds her own, which I loved. And the other Wild Riders - yum-mee! That's all I'm saying. If you like bad boys, you need to meet these guys. I have first dibs!

Riding Wild releases Feb 5, and Jaci is actually giving away an advanced copy on her blog, so make sure to swing by and enter.

Talking about bad boys, who's your favorite? And more importantly, have you ever ridden a Harley?


Maura Anderson said...

I loved Riding Wild :) In fact I put a review up on my website today.

I have indeed ridden a Harley. I've owned and ridden my own motorcycle since I was 18 and have one parked in my garage right now. In my old age, I've become a fair weather rider and it's too cold and wet right now.

I don't know if I have a favorite bad boy, though :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Nalini! There's a lot of fun to be had on a Harley ;-)

And thank you too Maura!

Christine said...

Riding Wild looks hot!

My first motorcycle ride ever was probably when I was all of maybe 13 years old. An older cousin of mine visited us on his Harley, and my father actually allowed me to go for a 'nice and easy' ride. Needless to say, as soon as we were out of view from my father, my cousin let loose and took me on a high speed ride--I loved it! He pulled over before we turned up my block again, and said, 'Let's not tell your father just how fast I went, ok?' I'll never forget the thrill of that ride and how impressed I was that he defied my father!

I had a college friend who had one of those sleek and colorful Japanese motorcycles, and that's quite fun, too!

Kati said...

Dontcha love Jaci?? I can't wait for this book!

What I love about Jaci's work is that she understands women's fantasies, and makes them sexy and fun and not too intimidating. I also love her heroines who just all seem so real to me.

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