Thursday, August 16, 2007

RWNZ Conference (Edited)


I'm off to the Romance Writers of NZ conference today and I'm so looking forward to catching up with all my friends from around the country and across the ditch (a.k.a. the Tasman Sea).

The RWNZ conference is relatively small by RWA standards, but I love the feeling of not being lost in the crowd - even if you come to this conference knowing no one, you won't stay that way for long. So if anyone's thinking of a trip to NZ, time it for the conference! :)

Since I won't be posting again until Monday, I thought I'd run a short competition. If you want to enter, follow these steps:

1. Email me at nalinisinghwrites @ (without the spaces)
2. Put "Away at Conference" in the subject header
3. Put your name and address in the body of the email
4. Put your prize preference

And what are the prizes? Well, here's the deal. I have a whole bunch of my Sil Desire books, which I know some people are trying to get hold of, plus I have a random selection of books from other authors (sorry, no time to write up a list!). If you'd like one of my Desires, put the title in the email. If you'd prefer a mystery book*, put that in the email.

A little complicated, I know. But it'll make it easier for me to send the books out quickly once I pick the random winners.

And later next week, something interesting is going to happen, so don't forget to swing by. Now, I'm off to pack!

[*Edited to Add: Oops, seems I wasn't clear - "mystery books" doesn't equal books in the mystery genre. It's just a mystery what book you'll get. Could be anything!]


Anonymous said...

Have a great time! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah. But hurry back and get to work!!!!

We need more books!!!

But no pressure or anything. ;)

Cherie J said...

Have a safe and fun trip!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy :)

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