Monday, August 06, 2007

The Duke and I - Julia Quinn

This was my on-the-plane book for the trip from New Zealand to the US. Given that the trip takes around thirteen hours, you'd think I'd take more than one book, but there's the lure of the inflight entertainment system (and it was a night flight so I was hoping to grab some shuteye). I'm telling you all this so you'll know how good a book would have to be to keep me glued to the page.

This did it.

I cannot BELIEVE I've never read Julia Quinn before. With this one book, she jumped onto my must-read list. The good news is that because I'm a newbie to JQ, I now have a yummy backlist to go through.

The Duke and I kicks off the Bridgerton family series. Basic story is that Daphne Bridgerton is sick of not attracting any serious suitors, not because men don't like her, but because they like her too much. She's too "normal" - they all treat her as a trusted friend, nothing more, while she wants to find love and get married. Simon Hastings, the Duke of the title, on the other hand, has no desire to marry but is being hunted by the unmarried women of the ton.

Daphne and Simon decide to fix each other's problems by pretending to form an attachment - the duke's attraction to Daphne will make her of interest to other men, while the same attachment will keep Simon safe from the attentions of others. Except things don't go according to plan and Daphne and Simon end up married.

Daphne is a great heroine - she is normal, in the best way. No histrionics for Daphne. She just gets things done and I loved her for it. And Simon is a great foil for her - so dark and brooding.

If you want to read a more detailed review, check out Jane's at Dear Author, one of the reviews that convinced me I needed to read this. On my part, I really loved The Duke and I. I literally didn't stop reading until I finished. Now, I must get my paws on the rest of the series!


Stacy~ said...

I love Julia Quinn, and this was a great story. I believe the next one is Anthony's and Kate's story, and it's my all-time favorite JQ book. Enjoy :)

Btw, my friend MaryKate has been raving about you over at Romance by the Blog, so I picked up your books and cannot wait to read them. She gives good recs, so I'm excited to get started.

Kat said...

Wait 'til you get to Colin's book. It has my favourite opening chapter of all time.

Bronwyn Jameson said...

Nalini, I'd forgotten how much I loved this book and I haven't read a Julia Quinn in ages. Must amend that. Bron

Anonymous said...

I love the whole Bridgerton series, but my favorite is [i]The Viscount Who Loved Me[i] (Anthony and Kate's story as Stacy mentioned).

How was your conference?


ShellBell said...

Haven't read them for ages, but Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series is great - my favourite is An Offer From a Gentleman

Kati said...

I love these books! I haven't done a Bridgerton re-read in a while. Anthony's story is my favorite, although I love Benedict's too.

She writes some of the most vibrant, witty dialog out there. Glad to hear you're enjoying them.

Anonymous said...

Stacy - MK is awesome *grin* Hope you enjoy the books.

Kat / Shellbell - oooh, I can't wait.

Bron - there's a brand spanking new one just out.

Mai - it was lovely. I put up some pics earlier if you want to check them out.

MaryKate - thanks bunches for recommending me to folks :)

Hey weird - my word verification thingie starts with jq!

Amanda Ashby said...

I read my first Julia Quinn earlier this year and I really enjoyed it - Romancing Mr. Bridgerton. Actually I've just looked that up on the side of my blog and I see that the very next book I read was Slave to Sensation!!!!

ShellBell said...

I also enjoyed the second epilogue's that JQ has available as ebooks for:

Romancing Mr Bridgerton
When He Was Wicked
The Viscount Who Loved Me
It's In His Kiss

Anonymous said...

Julia Quinn is definitely an author whose books your just must read (and rave about).

For me, Colin's is the best by far (because, really, he is just so charming :D) .

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