Monday, May 14, 2007

Linnea Sinclair - Games of Command

I picked up Games of Command after reading some great reviews about it. The reviews piqued my interest but it was the story description that really sold me:
Can she trust a man who is half-machine?

The universe isn’t what it used to be. With the new alliance between the Triad and the United Coalition, Captain Tasha “Sass” Sebastian finds herself serving under her former nemesis, bio-cybe Admiral Branden Kel-Paten—and doing her best to hide a deadly past. But when an injured mercenary falls into their ship’s hands, her efforts may be wasted …

Wanted rebel Jace Serafino has information that could expose all of Sass’s secrets, tear the fragile Alliance apart—and end Sass’s career if Kel-Paten discovers them. But the bio-cybe has something to hide as well, something once thought impossible for his kind to possess: feelings...for Sass. Soon it’s clear that their prisoner could bring down everything they once believed was worth dying for—and everything they now have to live for…
I love science fiction and thought Kel-Paten sounded like a very intriguing hero. Half cyborg and all in love with Tasha, what's not to like? I'm so very, very glad I picked up this book because I loved it. Kel-Paten has gone on my mental Great Heroes list. That kind of devotion, it's a kick to the heart. Especially when he's all tough and soldierlike around anyone but Tasha. The complexities in his character - like the hints of shyness - they just got to me.

Janine said this in her review over at Dear Author and I so agree:
It’s not an everyday occurrence in my reading life to find a romantic hero whose happiness I want so badly...

Kel-Paten’s programming makes it difficult for him to come up with a suitable response when Sass cracks a joke, but though he doesn’t know how to show it, he would do nearly anything for her. His shyness, vulnerability and inexperience with women endeared him to me so much that I felt every distrusting remark or warm look Sass gave him almost as acutely as he did.
Rosario also echoed that sentiment in her review:
I loved the guy to death, and seeing him struggle was heart-breaking. Every time Tasha unwittingly said something that seemed to indicate she thought of him as nothing more than a robot, I cringed, and when things finally started happening between them, I practically did a happy dance, because he so deserved to be happy.
Okay, moving on my ravefest about the hero, the rest of the characters were great, too. Tasha was an interesting heroine - very much what I would term an alpha female. And the furzels - serious adorableness.

I know some of you might be put off by the science fictiony aspects, but don't be. The love story is so worth it. I'm a Linnea Sinclair fan now!


loonigrrl said...

This sounds great. I read Accidental Goddess awhile back, and loved it. Looks like I need to stop by the bookstore again.

Casee said...

So you would consider this a Sci-Fi/Romance?

clare said...

Sounds interesting I might have to give it a go :)

Anonymous said...

I enjoy Sci-Fi and dark fantasy novels. The only thing holding me back is the half robot aspect. I have a hard time with the idea of loving a machine.

meljean brook said...

Gah! I have this on my TBR after reading all of the great reviews, and I can't get to it yet. Gah!


Nalini Singh said...

Loonigrrl, this is my first LS, so now I'll be going through her backlist. :)

Casee - I think it falls in that whole futuristic/sf area, but it's very definitely a romance. Actually, there are two romances in it.

Clare - hope you enjoy it!

Scooper - he's not a robot, more like a cyborg, so that his body has been integrated with computer stuff. The ultimate wounded hero?

Meljean - yes, write faster [cracks whip] *g*

Kris said...

I have read two from her backlist (Finders Keepers and Gabriel's Ghost) and loved them both. I have not gotten a chance to read this yet, but i can't wait. I am glad that you liked it.

wandergurl said...

I love this book!!! I want a furzel.

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