Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Visions & OOTB Tour: New Moon - Rebecca York

I have an OOTB tour book for your delectation today, but first, some very nice news:

Visions of Heat is #7 on the Barnes & Noble Mass Market Romance list and #30 on the overall B&N Mass Market list! Yippeee! :)

(insert happy dancing smilie!)

Also, I did a small writing-focused interview with a fellow author over at Jennifer on Writing, which has just gone up.

And now, the tour! Check it out. Something to note - Rebecca had a book video made up for this book that utilizes real actors. Links below!

NEW MOON by Rebecca York

Berkley Sensation March 6, 2007

It's in one man's true nature to remain by the side of the woman he loves, rather than live without her in his own universe...

Landscape architect Logan Marshall is out for a jog-in his werewolf form-when a trap catches his paw. As it saps his strength, he is saved by another werewolf, who-to Logan's amazement-is female.

Female werewolves aren't supposed to exist. But Rinna is a shapeshifter from another dimension who's traveled through a portal to this world. And the trap that ensnared Logan was set by her former captor, and meant for her...

But as soon as Rinna and Logan touch, an electrifying bond forms between them. Unable to resist his desire for Rinna, in all her many forms, Logan will have to earn her trust, and travel through both dimensions to save her-and earth-from the wrath of her enemy...



Ever since she can remember, Rebecca York has loved making up stories full of adventure, romance and suspense. As a child she corralled her friends into adventure games or acted out romantic suspense stories with a cast of dolls. But she never assumed she could be an author, because she couldn't spell. Her life changed, however, with the invention of the word processor and spelling checker--and the help of her husband, Norman Glick, who spots spelling errors from fifty paces away. She has authored or co-authored over 60 romantic suspense novels, many with paranormal elements.

You can see an interview with Rebecca York at:


Logan Marshall is out for a run in his werewolf form when he is caught in a vicious trap that saps not only his strength but also his intellect and consciousness. He is saved by a female werewolf who cajoles him into changing form and frees him from the mysterious trap, which had actually been laid to trap her. Female werewolves don't exist in Logan's world (a world that could be our own), but Rinna is from a parallel universe. That world descended into feudalism and came to be ruled by the cruel Falcone, who has been using Rinna's paranormal talents for his own gain. Using the portals between worlds, Falcone has plans to invade and conquer Logan's world. Rinna, a slave in her realm, finds Logan's world horribly confusing and dangerous but Logan himself incredibly enticing. York's combination of werewolves, romance, suspense, science fiction, and fantasy is a winning one. -- Booklist

NEW MOON is a refreshing story told with a new light and a few twists I couldn’t see coming. Ms. York brought some wonderfully strong characters into this book with Logan and Rinna. Their love is a pure and caring love that brings tears to the reader’s eyes. She reprised some of our beloved characters from previous books and they helped to complete this story. NEW MOON is a definite “must read” in this clever series! – Romance Junkies






Bridget Locke said...

Nalini-Just finished Visions of Heat! Wow! When does the next one come out? I'm already jonesing and I just read VoH yesterday! :) Can I just say I LOVE this world you've created? *sigh*


WK said...

I loved NEW MOON. It was awesome!!!


Barbarita V said...

Congrats Nalini! You work hard you deserve it.
I have the ARC but I am going to buy the paperback anyway just to keep it as part of my collection

Anonymous said...

Congrats on Visions of Heat! I actually ordered it on B&N over the weekend, so I'm definitely looking forward to reading it when it comes!

Anonymous said...

Kaitlin - yay, I'm delighted you loved VOH!! The next one's out in Sep and I'm biting my fingernail's wondering what everyone's going to think of Judd!

Wendyk - I fwded your comment to Rebecca. :)

Barbara - big hugs for the support!

Abby - oooh, hope you enjoy it. :):)

Anonymous said...

If you would give us more excerpts, we'd give you a more accurate assessment of our likely feelings for Judd.

I'm just saying ... *blinks innocently*

meljean brook said...

Holy momma! Fantastic placement, Nalini -- you must be on top of the world right now! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Yeah for you! Your writer deserves the accolades and the sales.

Kris said...

Cool, I cannot wait to read this one, I love this series.

Anonymous said...

Congrats :)

I always thing book-trailers are kind of hokey, but hte blurb sounds interesting :)

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