Thursday, February 08, 2007

Night Rising - Chris Marie Green

You know how I was disappointed about not having an ARC of this book? Well, I put the hard word *grin* on Chris and she sent me one. And OMG was it good!

Check out the earlier OOTB post for the full blurb but the very basic plot summary is that Dawn Madison, a stuntwoman, comes back to LA after her Dad (Frank) goes missing. But what she finds is that his disappearance is anything but routine, and that the world she thought she knew is hiding all sorts of deadly secrets...some with fangs.

This book was dark, gritty and subtly erotic in places. The movie-city setting was fantastically done - I was swept up totally into the world. But what really made this book for me was Dawn and her relationships with the secondary characters, most especially her fellow searchers. Dawn is a beautifully drawn character, flaws and all. Her relationships are very real and complex in the best way.

Night Rising
is a book with a unique take on the vampire myth and I would recommend this to anyone looking for a sharp, fresh story told in a compelling voice. Though this isn't a romance - more urban fantasy - it had enough of a romantic thread to satisfy me. The ending blew me away. I cannot wait for the next one in the series! I will absolutely be stalking Chris until she hands it to me.

If you'd like to stalk Chris, too, here's where you can find her:


Anonymous said...

After reading your earlier comments about Night Rising I went to Chris Marie Green's website and read about the book, then promptly went out and bought it! I thought it was a great read and a different take on the paranormal - and I'm dying to find out more about Jonah!!

Chris Marie Green/Crystal Green said...

First, thank you, Nalini! You're comments are making me fly high. :)

And,!!! You are great. Absolutely great. I promise you'll know all about Jonah by the third book--I'm trying to avoid endless mythology stretching and X-FILES endings! Still, he's a mystery that'll be solved over the course of the trilogy.

Thank you, you two!!!

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