Thursday, December 14, 2006

Xmas Shopping

Have you all finished doing your Xmas shopping? Me, I like to wait till the last minute and drive myself insane. I went to the mall the other day and every spot in the carpark was full - this is unusual given the size of this mall, which leads me to believe that I'm not the only procrastinator out there.

So, got any good Xmas shopping (or plain old shopping!) stories to share?

This isn't a shopping story, but last Xmas we were in Tokyo and I've never seen a city so beautifully lit up for the holidays. This is a shot of the small lights outside Shinjuku Station. And talking about crowds - apparently one million people pass through Shinjuku at rush hour. It's amazing to watch!


Estella said...

What a gorgeous picture!

Nalini Singh said...

Thanks, Estella. I have some more pictures in the travel diary section of my site.

Anonymous said...

The pic is amazing, I can't imagine the crowds I come from a small town.

I love Christmas it's one big panicked rush punctuated with parties and gettogethers then accumulating in a big cosy sigh after the prezzies are all unwrapped and the chocolate box opened on Christmas day.

I'm always last minute too. Hate deciding what to get people then all of a sudden I decide and it's a mad dash to obtain the must have items and a zillion little cheesy extras on the way LOL

Anonymous said...

I always try to havie my shopping done by Thanksgiving. I hate the crowds and all the insanity - makes me, well insane.

The up side to this is if I get the urge to go to the mall during December - I can relax and enjoy the season and not have an agenda. My husband says I am a grinch - but then he has never seen me one the other side of insane either!

I too love the picture. I have one from Germany where the snow is falling and the twinkle lights are twinkling. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

You should come visit Singapore at Christmas, Nalini!

The shopping's great, and there's an annual competition for best decorated building on Orchard road!

PS I would offer to show you around, but I don't think I'll be here for Christmas for the next 3 years.

Nalini Singh said...

Clare - I lived in a small town in Japan so Tokyo was a shock to my system as well! But it's such a fun place to visit - so vibrant. You sound exactly like me in terms of shopping *g*

Susan - I'm so jealous of your organizational skills! Your pic sounds amazing. Coming from NZ (where its summer during Xmas), I loved living in a place where there was snow at Xmas time. Didn't much like the cold though. ;)

May - where are you going????

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