Saturday, September 16, 2006

Saturday Links

I think I've mentioned how much I love the JD Robb series of books about Lieutenant Eve Dallas and her husband Roarke, so when I saw the tragedy of the Hungarian covers for this series over at SBTB, I wanted to weep. Why? Why? WHY?

Super NZ director Peter Jackson (of Lord of the Rings fame) has bought the rights to Naomi Novik's Temeraire series! Woohoo. I love these books.

If you've ever wondered how many copies of books have to be sold to get on the NY Times list, drop by Tess Gerritsen's blog, where she talks numbers.

Scott McLemee talks about annotating your books (link courtesy of Bookslut). Hmm, marking up books? I can understand doing it in a textbook for study purposes, but a fiction book? What's your take?

And to end on a heavenly note, the new dwarf planet (the one whose discovery ended up causing Pluto to be downgraded from planet to dwarf planet), will not be called Xena as originally named. It's new name is: "Eris, the Greek goddess of chaos and strife..."


Lynn Raye Harris said...

I always annotate books, though not usually popular fiction. I do this a lot in non-fic, literary classics, and some current literary novels. I also did it in The Rule of Four, that novel by the two Princeton grads, because it had some of the finest sentences I'd ever read.

Mostly, in romance, I don't want to slow down enough to annotate. It does tend to take away from the enjoyment in so much as it pulls me out of the story for a few moments while I reread and underline.

Maura Anderson said...

I never annotate novels - though I sometimes do so for textbooks. I will often reread the books on my keeper shelf and I find any type of note or annotation interferes with my ability to get something different from a book when I reread it.

They lock me too much into the way I saw it when the notes were made.

Plus I'm one of those people who take very good care of my books and can't even stand spine creases.

Nalini Singh said...

Lynn - I've annotated classics but usually because they were texts for a paper. And yes, I totally agree that it takes away from the romance if you're thinking too much about it. I just like to get lost in the story.

Maura - I never thought about it like that, but you're so right about how we perceive books as we grow. I think I could find evidence in my own pile of keepers from a while back - some of them wouldn't hit me the same way now.

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