Thursday, September 14, 2006

Bound By Marriage

I did a post on The Knight Agency blog last night from the perspective of a writer living out of the U.S. so swing by that way if the topic interests you. And don't forget the chat in a few hours - Wed 13th 9pm EST (Thurs 1pm NZ time).

More good news for StS - it's #36 on the Bookscan MM Romance Bestseller list! Yippee!

I was in the middle of writing this post when I got a delivery - the galleys for Bound By Marriage, my Feb Sil Desire release. I always get excited when I get these and see "Author's Copy" printed in the front.

What happens at the galley stage is that I go through and check for typos, printer errors, timeline mistakes etc. i.e. the details rather than major changes (that happens at the copy/line edit stage). Doesn't sound interesting but it is for the simple reason that because the book was turned in and line edited so long ago, I get to read it with a fresh eye. I once found I'd had a heroine's knees "crumble". Yep. After so many pairs of eyes going over it, she was still "crumbling" to the floor. I'm curious - what's your tolerance level for typos?


Anonymous said...

If the story is good, I can handle it just fine. But some readers, it pulls them right out of the story I hear.

Nalini Singh said...

Kendra - I guess I'm like that too. What bugs me more are errors of logic in a story, y'know?

Lol Emma!

Wow, Milady, you must have a very good eye!

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