Tuesday, August 29, 2006

StS shipping / TBR

First of all, some exciting news - it looks like Slave to Sensation is already shipping from Barnes and Noble! :)

Second, Candace Havens has just put up an interview she did with me, so swing by and check that out.

Okay, onto the post I was actually going to make today. I thought we'd talk about the next 5 books that (we think) we're going to read. Here's my list:

1. Dark Lover - J R Ward: Yes, I know. I'm like the only person in the blogsphere that hasn't read this yet, but it's sitting on a shelf behind me right this second. The good thing about being late to the party is, if I really like this book, I can go out and get books 2&3 straight away.

2/3: Throne of Jade/Black Powder War - Naomi Novik: After my up till 3am reading jag with the first book in this series, I'm not starting these two until I have a whole day to read.

4. Danse Macabre - Laurell K Hamilton: Has any book been more talked about?! But I've managed to avoid spoilers thus far and am looking forward to going back into Anita's world.

5. Doppelganger - Marie Brennan: This is an author I'd never heard of but which my local independent bookseller told me I'd like (and basically since this bookseller can read my mind and is the one responsible for my addiction to, among others, J D Robb, I buy whatever she recommends).

What's next on your list?

1 comment:

Nalini Singh said...

Milady - I like stat spikes ;) Doppelganger looks interesting so I hope it works for me. I could do with finding some new authors to follow.

Emma - as my birthday buddy, you MUST get back into the PNR mood, it's your solemn duty! :)

Yvonne - yep. Totally. She's like a mind reader and knows all my weaknesses.

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