Thursday, June 15, 2006

Pajama Party

I know writers who get up ridiculously early to write, mostly for the simple reason that that’s the only time they can find to do so. I also know writers who stay up into the early hours for the same reason. I used to do the latter when I worked in law.

But, once writers get to a point where they’re able to truly choose when and how they write, it’s interesting all the different variations you get.

  1. The 9-5 group. Writing is a job and should be treated as such, which means you get your butt in the chair at a set time each day, work until you’ve reached a target and then get out and live the rest of your life. People in this group often dress for their job and some go so far as to hire an office, so that they literally are going out to work.

  1. The Pajama group: First thoughts - Oh my gawd! I get to work in my pajamas. How cool is that? People in this group usually have a relaxed attitude toward writing. It’ll get done when the muse strikes. And if that means burning the midnight oil close to deadline time, then that’s what they’ll do.

  1. The Compulsive Group: People who are just so damn delighted to have the chance to write anytime they want that they can’t stop, writing feverishly at all hours of the day and night. Forget about life, friends and sunlight. They’re going to write until their fingers are worn to the bone.

Even though I still work full-time, I think I fall halfway between the pajama group and the obsessives. I don’t like the stress of skating too close to a deadline, so I tend to be more focused than a true pajamite (new word!), but that focus sometimes pushes over into obsession. On the other hand, I can’t treat writing like a strict 9-5 job because one of the factors I love about it is that it isn’t like a normal job and I can write at 3a.m. if I so choose.

So, if you had a choice and could write whenever you wanted, would you be a 9 to 5er, a pajamite or an obsessive? Think I need to add any other categories?


MicheleKS said...

Pajamite. I work a 9-5 job and I'd rather go to work in my pj's and not have to keep a certain schedule (or talk on the phone).

Heather Waters said...

The first month or so of the contracted book, I'm purely a pajamite. Around month 2-3 (depending on how long the deadline is) I become the first option. Writing is a job, sit your butt down and do it. I've never been obsessive, only because I get what needs to be done, done.

katie g. said...

Pajama's a all the way. When I was in graduate school finishing my pseudo-thesis I would work from 10 p.m 'til 4 a.m. I would wake in the afternoon and goof off for the rest of the day and start over. It was the best (and not a bad paper if I do say so myself).

Nalini Singh said...

With so many pajamites, we should throw a pajama party! *G* (Heather - you can be an honorary member)!

Kristen Painter said...

I'm a 9-5er who writes in their pj's. Or sometimes a sarong.

Nalini Singh said...

See now you're messing up my whole systen, Kristen! ;) I like the idea of the sarong though.

Cyn Bagley said...

Umm.. I like to wear sweats.. I even sleep in them. :-)

Nalini Singh said...

Another pajamite!

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